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Chapter 5: Beautiful Nightmare

-Have you ever heard the term beautiful nightmare? - To experience something that is too good to be true. But it can also hold a meaning of – to dream of someone you love either it is a dream or a nightmare. It is like being in a good situation that you will be left disappointed once it ended. If I will ask you, will you still want to experience it knowing that you will be lonely in the end?-

"Woah dude this place is so nice!"

Ritmo said as he roams around their new unit. Today is the day Ritmo and Jayce move to their unit. At first Ritmo don't want to move since it is hassle but as soon as he sees how spacious the place is, he fell in love to it immediately. While he roams around the unit, Jayce is busy arranging some of their things.

"Can you just stop playing around and help me with this?"

Jayce said while carrying a box.

"You can handle that on your own. I will do the work next time."

Ritmo said. Since the things they brought are just half of Jayce's belongings. Because Jayce had an agreement with Henry and Zane that he will not pull all his things out in one go, since they need to have a time for them to buy replacements. In the end Jayce do all of the work while Ritmo is laying on the coach located at the middle of the living room. A few moments later Ritmo fell asleep, and it was a very long slumber, long enough that you can say that he wasted his whole day. When Jayce finished arranging the whole unit including his own room, Ritmo realized that he is not done yet in arranging his own room, causing him to sleep at the floor on their first night at the new condo unit.

On the other hand, Zane and Henry felt weird as they find their unit to be less chaotic and more spacious than before. All of them needed some time to adjust since they lived together for three years, they are not use be separated, except Ritmo; he truly loves their new unit, maybe because it has a nice view of the city and he has his own room this time. But after a few days they completely adjusted to their new lifestyle. Zane and Henry decided to convert the former room of Ritmo and Jayce into a working place. Since they felt empty because of the absence of the two, they decided to work together or at least be with each other every time they are in their unit. Ritmo and Jayce place is chaotic, not a single day that they don't have a quarrel; because Ritmo always brings girls to stay in his room to make weird noises every night.

But being on a different condominium didn't hinder them to bond. It is Thursday afternoon, time for all of the students to eat their lunch, the four of them have a conversation:

"So how's your life now?"

Jayce asked, trying to get some updates about Zane's progress.

"Since both of you left, Zane and I had a lot of quality time since we felt so lonely without both of you."

Henry said causing for Jayce to grin at Zane while poking him using his legs under the table. Zane realized it immediately and he knows that Jayce is trying to tease him again secretly causing him to frown at him.

"Why don't you just go back Ritmo, just leave Jayce."

Zane said right after he kicked Jayce. Jayce jumped on his seat because of the pain. Ritmo and Henry were intrigued about Jayce weird behavior, but in the end they ignored it as Ritmo answered Zane.

"No I will never leave that unit; it is like a heaven for me."

Ritmo said.

The four of them keep on setting time for them to meet like this and chat with each other for them to get in touch. It is as if they also obligated each one of them to be active on their group chat. But Jayce and Zane keeps on sending private messages with each other, trying to keep the communication for Jayce to formulate the next step for his plan. But Ritmo keeps on noticing those constant private messages causing him to raise his suspicions to Jayce. There was this time when he took a glimpse from Jayce's back while he was chatting Zane, that was the moment that he discovered Jayce and Zane are having those private conversations. Ritmo keeps it to himself, because he wants to make sure what is up to both Jayce and Zane before asking them.

A week after, Zane and Henry just finished enjoying their meal at a restaurant located near to their unit. They now eat frequently outside since Zane think that it is a waste of time to cook for both of them, but sometimes when he is feeling good or when they don't have time to eat outside he cook; especially during breakfast.

"Hey Zane let's try that restaurant next time."

Henry said excitedly while pointing out the red restaurant across the road. They are now on their way home. Zane is in hurry since he has so many works this weekend.

"Yeah sure just hurry up!"

Zane said while trying to pull Henry for him to walk faster. They arrived immediately but they were shocked that all of the things in their living room and kitchen are gone.

"We've been robbed!"

Henry said in conclusion to what happened. Zane just put his hand on his forehead; a sign of disgrace. They forgot that it is the day that Jayce will move out all of his things entirely. Zane checked his phone and that was the time when he just read Jayce's messages.


"The Handsomeness of Ritmo" Group Chat

Jayce: Hey Henry and Zane where are you?

Jayce: I am in your unit now.

Jayce: I should get my things now

Jayce: I already rented a car I cannot cancel it right now.

Jayce: Sorry guys I can't wait for both of you, I will start packing.

Jayce: I already got my belongings, just buy new stuffs today, it is Saturday and the weather is great. Sorry guys.


"It was Jayce, he chatted on our group but we fail to read it."

Zane explained right after he read all of Jayce's messages. Henry immediately took his phone and read it also. But Jayce chatted him in private; informing him that Zane has a huge fear of darkness and he should stay with him tonight because there will be a power interruption on their area. After that Henry looked at Zane. He doesn't want to ask Zane about his fears because he is afraid that the conversation will go deep and it will be awkward for them.

"So we should buy our things today?"

Henry asked pretending that he only read Jayce's message on their group.

"No I can't; I am too busy right now, you can buy it on your own, I will just give you my share."

Zane said while trying to count his money on his wallet. But Henry declined the offer, because he wants to buy it with Zane; since he feels that it is too boring for him if he goes alone.

"Come on I will just help you with all your school works later."

Henry said while forcing Zane to go outside again; not even giving him a time to prepare. Henry is just trying to make Zane's day happy, also since he already knows that Zane is afraid of the dark he needs to find an excuse to be with him later. That is why he promised that he will help Zane on his school works.

It is actually Jayce's plan, because as soon as he saw the power interruption announcement right after he chatted them on the group chat he realized that it could be a chance; like a special event to a dating simulator game. So he told Henry that Zane is afraid of the dark. Of course Henry will believe it since Jayce and Zane came from the same neighborhood on their province.

Henry is too excited to bring Zane at the mall that he forgot that they headed their without a plan. They didn't have the list of the items that they should buy. He just realized it when they are already standing in the middle of the mall; not knowing what to do. In the end they headed to a free bench located at the corner.

"So what now? You are too excited that we need to waste our time here."

Zane said with irritation.

"Awwwwwwww, sorry I forgot that we don't have plans yet, but we can write down the items now."

Henry said with a smile, trying to convince him. Zane just let a deep sigh and started listing all of the things they need; from kitchen utensils to other things such as chairs, sofa and tables. Their conversation lasted for a very long time since Zane is troubled about budgeting, while Henry is being distracted by the girls who keep on passing them.

"Zane I think that is enough, let's take a break for a moment before we proceed to buying things. I will buy you ice cream, you want vanilla right?"

Henry said as he runs away. Zane knew that it is just an alibi since he saw Henry approach a girl. He knows that Henry is trying to hit on the girl and all he can do is sat there and wait for him to comeback. It is painful for him to think about it, but Zane assumed it already that Henry will be gone for a long time. He is fine with it since he is used to the situation. But a few moment have passed Henry already came back.

"Aw, why did you go back so soon?"

Zane said since it is unusual.

"I just bought ice cream, why should I need to be gone for a long time?"

Henry said while handing the vanilla ice cream to Zane.

"I thought you're flirting with a girl."

Zane said bluntly.

"No I am trying to recruit a member for our club."

Henry said. Zane just smirked sarcastically as he took a bite on the ice cream. He silently eats his ice cream while Henry is looking at him. A moment later, he finds it uncomfortable that Henry keeps on staring at him.


Zane ask.

"You always want to eat vanilla ice cream. Why are you so pure?"

Henry said causing Zane to be shock for a moment. Zane just ignored Henry because he is feeling shy. He never thought that Henry will say such random things at that time. After they finished eating they headed to a shop of utensils. Both of them thought that it will be easy for them to buy stuff but they are wrong. They keep on arguing about little things, because Henry keeps on wanting to buy some utensils with a cool design but Zane keeps on insisting that they just need to buy simple ones since it is cheaper.

"Zane please let me buy these!"

Henry insisted while showing the mugs; one with a pen design and one with a paper design.

"Henry you know that it is a couple mug right?"

Zane ask.


Henry said normally not even thinking what Zane means.

"We don't need that, it is so pricey."

Zane replied not expecting from Henry to understand.

"Why, let me buy it. I will buy it using my own money! Ok? It will be great, we can use it while drinking coffee. Just don't buy glasses we can use both of this."

Henry insisted.

"Why do you want to buy that so eagerly?"

Zane ask.

"Because of the design, I will use this mug with a paper design since I am the Editor and you can use this mug with a pen design since you are the writer."

Henry said while trying to hand one of the mugs to Zane. In the end Zane let Henry buy it since it is a good deal. After they bought all of the kitchen utensils they headed to the appliances store to buy some couch and tables.

This time it was fun for them since Henry started playing around, trying to act like they own the whole shop; bouncing at the top of a bed, playing like a cook at the kitchen area of the store, and acting like watching a good movie on the sofa. At first Zane don't want to join but in the end, since Henry insisted, he played along with him. It was a great experience for Zane, he felt happy doing stupid stuff with Henry at the shop, not even caring about the people around them. Overall it was a fun day for both of them; it's been a long time they had that kind of bonding. After they finished eating their dinner at the food court of the mall they headed to their unit. Zane enjoyed the day and it was evident if you will see him hoping and smiling.

"Hey Zane can you stop fooling around and help me with this?"

Henry shouted as he tries to catch up with Zane while caring so many grocery bags.

"But it is our agreement that you will carry all of that while I am in charge with the appliances."

Zane replied. Zane offered an agreement that Henry will carry all of the utensils and grocery they bought while he will carry the appliances; since Henry thinks that it is a nice deal because appliances are heavier than groceries, and he wants to see Zane beg him for help, he agreed. But he is wrong; he never thought that there will be a free delivery service for the big appliances and even the small appliances were included to the service since the delivery man fell from Zane's cuteness.

"That is just so unfair."

Henry said.

"It is not my fault that the delivery man offers me to include the small appliances to the delivery service for free."

Zane replied with a smile.

"That stupid perverted delivery man just took advantage of you dumb! That old man just patted your head and you are like an idiot who smiles for him?"

Henry said with irritation on his voice.

"It's called kindness as$hole."

Zane replied and stick his tongue out just to tease Henry even more. It is indeed Zane's day and he is very grateful to Jayce. Until they saw Jeraldine standing at the entrance door of their Condominium. Zane's smile vanished in an instant as Jeraldine started facing Henry.

"Can we talk?"

Jeraldine said; anyone can feel that she is a little bit angry. The atmosphere become tensed as Henry's face turned serious.

"I am busy now sorry."

Henry said while trying to pass over Jeraldine. But Jeraldine moved, enough to block Henry's way.

"I will not let you pass until you talked to me."

Jeraldine said. Zane is feeling uncomfortable being on the same site while they argue. He is looking at them having a staring contest until he can't stand it anymore.

"Uhm Henry, I think you should talk to her, I will bring all of these to our unit."

Zane said as he grabbed all of the grocery bags that Henry is holding. He swiftly headed to the elevator to escape the intense situation. Henry tried to stop Zane but it was too late, he already boarded on the elevator and Jeraldine pulled his arm to stop him. After the elevator's door close Zane let a deep sigh and look at his reflection on the mirror located at the left side of the elevator.

"Here we go again Zane, you should prepare yourself"

Zane said to himself as he waits inside the elevator. His happiness was gone instantly. He never noticed the heavy bags that he was carrying because of what he feels. His hands started to turn violet because of the heavy bags, but he just can't felt any physical pain since he is currently dying inside.

"What is your problem?!"

Henry said to Jeraldine as he tries to let his arm free from her grip.

"We need to talk!"

Jeraldine shouted causing Henry to pause. He looks at her eyes as he calms down; trying to read what she is thinking right now. In the end Henry decided to listen to Jeraldine.

"Ok fine I will listen."

Henry said.

"Not here, we should go there."

Jeraldine said while pointing at the bench near the pond of the condominium.

"Fine let's finish this."

Henry said as he headed to the bench while Jeraldine is trying to catch up. It was dark and silent at the pond. You can only see the reflection of the moon and the lights coming from other buildings on it. This the best place around their condominium where all lovers confess. But right now the atmosphere is not pleasant as both Jeraldine and Henry just keeps on staring at the pond; waiting for each other to start the conversation.

"So what now? What do you want to say?"

Henry said after he waited for around five minutes for Jeraldine's statement, but he fails to be patient. He just wants to end their conversation.

"Look I'm sorry."

Jeraldine said.

"You ghosted me for almost two weeks and all you have to say is sorry? I keep on chatting you but you didn't have the time to read my messages!"

Henry said feeling irritated to Jeraldine.

"I am just jealous ok? I needed some time to think and compose myself."

Jeraldine replied with a little loud voice, failing to control her emotion.

"Jealous of what? I never met any girl besides you!"

Henry said. Jeraldine was about to reply on Henry's question when the city lights started to fade. The whole place turned into a dark area, the only thing that both of them can see is the silver crescent moon. Jeraldine was interrupted because of the change of the environment around them. She was about to continue the conversation but Henry started running.

Henry remembered what Jayce told, that Zane is afraid of the dark. He was worried that he runs towards their unit out of impulse, not even realizing that he leave Jeraldine at the bench. Since the electricity was out, he climb to the 7th floor (where their unit is located) using the stairway. It was tiring for any person to run non-stop from the ground floor to the 7th floor, but Henry couldn't realized that he is on his limit since he is too concern with Zane. It was like forever for him while he is taking each step at the stairs. His anxiety grows bigger every time he hears his own footsteps. At last he reached the 7th floor. He was about to open their unit's door but he stumbled in front of it because his legs started to give up. He grunted as he forces himself to enter their unit and as he opens the door he saw Zane holding a candle stick.

"Ow Henry, how's your conver-"

Before Zane finishes his statement Henry hurriedly hugged him causing Zane to be shocked. It was silent at their unit; the only thing that can be heard is Henry's panting, trying to grasp some air. The candle stick which Zane holds is the only one who lights up the whole area. Zane couldn't comprehend what is happening. He just let Henry hugged him for a few moment because he thought that the conversation with Jeraldine didn't go well and he just needs comfort.

"Are you ok?"

Henry asked as he let go Zane from his hug. He is still not finished in catching his breath but at that moment he is just too worried about Zane. You can see on his face that he felt tired as his sweat drips down through his worried face. But Zane looks confused.


Zane replied, failing to understand what is happening.

"You are afraid of the dark right? That's why I hurriedly go up to check you."

Henry said trying to explain all his actions.

"What are you talking about?"

Zane replied. Henry just let a long "huh?" and Zane also replied a "huh?"

Both of them were confused about what is happening. The two of them were frozen, standing at the middle of their living room, until the lights were turned on since the electricity is back. Henry snapped out and explains.

"Jayce told me that you are very afraid of the dark."

Henry said.

"Dude we are best friends and you still didn't know me? I am not afraid of the dark, I find it relaxing sometimes."

Zane said. That was the moment that Henry realized that Jayce fooled him.

"How about your conversation with Jeraldine?"

Zane asked. Henry then realized that he leave her without any notice, he headed to the window and tried looking at the pond if she is still there. Sadly she is gone. She already left with frustrations since Henry ditched her. Henry just let a deep sigh since he knew that he messed that up, but a moment after, he just moved on and started a conversation with Zane.

"How's your school works?"

Henry asked trying to forget what happened. But he still can't forgive Jayce and he promised to himself that he will get his revenge the moment they meet.

"I started it a while ago; it just got interrupted since the electricity was gone for a moment"

Zane said.

"Good let me help you."

Henry said. They spend almost all of the night just to finish Zane's school works; one of them is a poem for their club. Right after Zane finishes the poem he handed it to Henry. Henry then immediately read it out loud.


"Peter Pan"

One starry night as i roam

I saw a lonely lass.

Because this place is not a home

- A sad answer as I ask.

I helped her with all my might

To put joy and make her smile.

We met every single night

To escape her gloomy isle

She wants me to stay until dawn

But I can't live on her realm

Because as she wakes, i'll be gone

Like everything in a dream


"What is the meaning of this poem?"

Henry asks right after he finished reading it.

"I thought you are a literature genius. Poems may have multiple meanings, it depends on the reader."

Zane explained trying to hide the true meaning of the poem.

"I just want to know what is the meaning of it based on its poet dumba$s."

Henry replied. Zane just laughed at him, ignoring his request to tell him the true meaning of the poem. He headed to the coach where his hoodie is located while feeling proud because he felt that he won on their conversation. He started wearing it since he felt cold and he wants to go to the balcony to enjoy the starry night. But he failed to wear it properly; his face was covered by the hood since he wears it backward causing Henry to burst out of laughter.

"What the hell Zane, are you trying to cosplay as a dementor?"

(Image for reference. Image not mine)

Henry said while laughing at Zane who is currently struggling to take off the hoodie. After a while he takes it off and looked at Henry with an angry face causing Henry to stop. Zane continued and headed to the balcony. There, he started laughing because of his stupidity; he is trying his best to keep if low since he doesn't want Henry to hear him laugh at himself. He looked at the moon happily.

"You smile with me this time."

Zane said to the moon. He was so happy knowing that Henry can be worried for him like that. He just couldn't wait to thank Jayce because of what he did; although he knows that it is wrong, he couldn't deny that his happiness right now overpowered his guilt. The cold wind started to blow, so Zane put his hands to the pocket of his hoodie but as soon as he put his hand in, he felt something. He grabs the metallic string and realized that it was the necklace he saw when he is cleaning. He recognizes that it was supposed to be Henry's gift to Jeraldine. He also remembered that Henry told him that he can throw it away, so he did. With a strong arm swing he threw it and saw the necklace fall straight to the pond.

"If this is a dream, I hope I will never wake up."

Zane said right before he enters inside their unit.