"That was terrible, *He He*" Ray laughed, her carefree voice echoing across the room.
"Agreed," Jishi replied, putting a grin on his lips. Showing off his oddly sharp teeth. Both their eyes suddenly turned toward me, as if asking for my opinion. With my lips crawling into a smile, I pull out my hand. Sticking out my thumb upside down, signaling my honest opinion. Our 6 hand piano was truly terrible.
My chest filled with warmth, keeping a chuckle from escaping my lips. Spending so freely made me, strangely, happy. A part of me didn't want it to end. My eyes turned to Jishi, who's grin transformed into a gentle smile. Which I didn't see often. His eyes giving me a bright look, almost as if he was reading my thoughts. It was a rare sight, specially from this living battery.
From my pocket I took out my phone, the clock marking 6:40pm. How much time did we waste? *Sigh* poking at Ray and the battery beside her, I show them the clock.
"Holy, is it that late?" Jishi's eyes widened, his thunderous voice flooding the room. Storming off his seat, he dashes toward his bag. After picking it up, he turned towards us.
"I know you live nearby Yata, what about you Ray? You want us to walk you home?" Jishi exuded energy as he put his offer. Jishi and I have walked home together in few, rare occasions. Jishi lives a few blocks away from me, so we run into each other often. Knowing that and Jishi's personality, it was impossible for me to escape. Accepting my fate, I make way toward my bag. Picking it up, my implant catches a peculiar statement.
"Nah, you go on, I have to train," Silence followed Ray's words. Despite somewhat understanding her situation, it still invoked uneasiness in me.
"But the baseball club finished a while ago, no?" Jishi expressed my doubts for me. But seeing her eyes flaring with determination, I half understood.
"I know" leaving those feeble words behind, Ray left the music room.
My eyes couldn't help but stare at the door closing behind her brown hair. The sight both elegant and passionate. Her lips turned to a reckless grin as she left. My head zoned out with just her image.
"Yata, you want to follow her?" Even without him saying anything, I knew he would suggest it. I knew from the second he averted his eyes from the door. But why can't I find the strength to agree. My heart beat fastening as I look at Jishi.
"Wouldn't we be a nuisance?" My hands moved on their own. Spelling out my doubts to him. A glow took over his eyes as he stared back at me.
"What do you think friends are?" His words invoked the memory of that evening. That time I tried to help her.
Why am I doubting?
I want to help her, don't I?
"You like her, don't you?" that wretched voice echoed in my head again. A shock ran through my body. My arms wrapped around me unconsciously. The more I think about it, the more I doubt.
I like her?
I do, but... why can't I trust that feeling. Hell, I can't even answer Jishi's question. But why?
"Yata, a friend is someone that you can rely on. Even if we are meddling; Even if we are a nuisance. So what? People need a nuisance to get rid of another. Because to get over fears, people need each other, no?"
Jishi wore his usual grin, the same grin he wore that day. And I still bared the same fear. The fear of being hated by others; the fear of being alone. That must be why, that day, she embraced me. Because she is alone. I wish I could be like Jishi, reliable. But I can't be him. I can't be reliable, I'm too scared to be that.
"Even if I'm scared, do you think I can help?" my wretched voice broke out. Tearing through my ears. But gentle words followed it.
"You want to find out?"