The hallway bathed in the incessant chatter as people fled from their classrooms. Gawking at the scene from the doorway of my classroom. Cold sweat slid down my neck. My heart raised as I made the first step.
"See you tomorrow, also thanks for today." One of my classmates called out as he ran past me. While I hadn't overcome my fear, I have worked towards it. Today I helped him with math. Although I did so bearing the frantic drum in my chest.
Timidly, I tiptoed my way across the hallway. Trying my best to avoid stepping on someone. It probably looks like I'm making my way across a marsh bootless. My heart pounded at me frantically. "Run" it begged. But still I continued.
After an eternity, I reached the end of the hallway. There I saw Jishi, who played on his phone. His gaze found me as I approached. His lips hung up a smile as he motioned me to hurry.
"I still can't believe it. Your genuinely pulling through your fears. Good Job!" His voice thundered in excitement. But I could only put up an awkward smile to his overestimating words.
As we walked to the music room, Jishi and I entertained ourselves. Talking nonchalantly about pointless things, like the weekly anime. Our noise continued until we reached the music room.
Opening the door, my eyes peered into the silent wasteland. Although every instrument slept in their rightful place. Something felt amiss. My heart tightened as I slowly entered. Jishi too kept quiet, scanning the room with his sorrowful eyes.
"It hasn't been a day and we already miss her," Jishi mumbled as he made his way to the violin. I nodded in agreement, making way to the lonely piano.
When did her noise become a part of our music?
Why is it so hard to sit here without her gaze?
Thoughts swirled around my head, all about her. Jishi came closer, lifting his violin up to his shoulder. His eyes gave mine a bitter look, while readying his bow. Placing my hands, I nod back at Jishi. But before playing, a faint echo rang across the room.
"You like Ray, don't you?" His voice was bitter to the point of mourning. A lonely question that before I knew it, I had answered.
My ragged voice shot out to meet the question. Silence followed my answer. One eternity passed silently. Jishi had turned his gaze away as I followed suit. Not a word had left our lips. A heavy noise drowned the room; a lonesome, quiet noise.