Evening sunlight peered through the window behind me. Jishi's tanned skin, though barely noticeable, blushed at his cheeks. His eyes avoiding me, as if trying to hide himself. As he opened his lips, a chill ran through me.
"I love you, always have," His words echoed gently. Stroking the walls softly before caressing my ears. At that moment, my heart stopped.
Silence weighed on my hands. No matter how hard I tried, they didn't move. And like the depths of the ocean, if my lips opened, I fear I'd drown. Holding my breath, I stared. Stared as my stomach turned in guilt.
His eyes turned, finally meeting mine. A lonesome glow resting in them. His lips crawled into a feeble smile. One so fragile the slightest breeze would make it break.
"Yeah, I figured as much." He uttered those barely audible words. Giving me his back, he walked toward the door. The thud of his step fluttering coldly into silence.
"See you around, friend," His distant voice tearing at me. Silence followed the door closing behind Jishi.
'Friend' a word I've endeared to now scorns me. Spelling the tears he refused to shed. And yet... and yet... I said nothing. Even though he knew the answer, he bore his heart naked and faced me.
"Why... WHY?!"
"Why couldn't I face him too?"
My crooked voice whimpered away. With only the quiet instruments to hear my cowardly cries.
The next day I walked the usually empty sidewalk to school. Beside me, the smooth 5 am breeze. It howled along with the struggling cars. Because of it, today felt hollow.
Making my way inside the school, I stepped into the empty halls. The thudding of my steps bounced off its walls. Silence spectated as I walked, just like yesterday.
I sat in the empty classroom, contemplating nothing as I waited. Silence stood beside me, as it always has. I've blamed it for my cowardice, pain, for everything. Despite knowing, silence was just a bystander.
My cowardice drove me away from everyone. It hurt Jishi because I… because I feared hurting him further. Even the silence I've convicted myself to is my fault.
Tears slid down my cheeks as I clenched my fists. In the empty classroom, only silence bared witness. To the faint cry drowning the room.
"I'm sorry…"
After a moment, silence swept the room. A strange warmth sweeping by its side. Tears fiercely stormed down my cheeks. The door opened amidst my whimpers. The teacher paled while entering the room.
"Are you okay?" His voice shook worriedly, rippling in my ear. Trying to wipe the tears, I felt my lips crawl. Slowly they formed a smile.
"N-Not at all" The words shook out my lips. Sliding smoothly through the room. The teacher stepped back in surprise. He fell silent as he sat in his desk.
I can't be silent anymore. Otherwise I couldn't face Ray, let alone Jishi again. So I'll change; I'll set myself free from my silence. Starting with Jishi, my friend. Even if he knows the answer, I'll face his feelings. I'll give him a reply.
Later that day I learned, Jishi absented school today.