Chapter 36: Gleeful Memories

Yata's drowned the room with light. A gentle, feeble light scratching at my ears with its words.

"I love you" he said. His meek voice drifting fluently, like a river's feeble stream.

His eyes shined with determination. As if saying "I won't falter". But the closer I looked, I knew it wasn't like that. His trembling hands; how he held his breath. He's nervous.

Ray too was nervous. Her blushing cheeks as she fidgeted. How her stare jumped from Yata to anywhere else. Wrestling the urge to laugh, I let a smile settle on my lips.

My heart itched staring at the sight. In part because of my envy, since I can guess at Ray's reply. But mainly because of its laugh. My heart's loud, ostentatious laugh. One that towered over my petty envy. Regardless, it scratched at my bleeding heart as I left.

"Good for you, Yata" I whispered to the fading breeze. Hoping it reached him somehow.

Walking below the hue of the evening sun, I recalled yesterday. How pressed he was over me. The words he struggled to say. And far before that, the fights he faced. Between his fear and himself. Tears slid down my cheeks as I realized how far he'd gone.

"I'm glad, I truly am" My whispers flew along the breeze. Fading, as I walked past them, arriving at the school gate.

Looking back at the music room. I bid farewell to our theatre, and the countless pieces we've played in it.

"I still love you, Yata" the words floated in my head. But I couldn't say them. If I did, it'd trample over his efforts. No matter how much I cried, I wouldn't live through that.

For now, I'll stroll alone with the setting sun. Replaying our gleeful memories over my bitter cries. Hoping tomorrow we make new ones.