
"I'm your mother's brother! I'm your uncle..."

When I heard the headmaster utter such words, I silently stared at him. Though I figured that he must have a relatively close relationship with my mother if he had access to the family's secret that even I don't have.

"Is that so...?" I answered. When he saw my reaction he stared at me for a while before he got the scone on his plate and munched it nonchalantly.

"I'm not that enthusiastic to know your relationship with the Duchess..." I explained.

Carsillion heard my answer and opened his mouth "You knew... How? Did your idiotic brother told you?"

I blink at how he scrutinized Allan but I also agree with what he said. It was true that Allan is an idiot.

I smiled and replied "I just figured it out... No one said anything about an old man who's existing and is a schemer that the Duchess has as a..."