The blue sky was shining so brightly, every sweep of the air the trees responded to its call and swayed its branches like it was dancing to the rhythm of nature.

A little girl is peeking outside of the carriage and at the forest of Sushu mountain. The lush greeneries and the smell of the fresh air welcomed the mother and daughter that came from the neighboring Kingdom.

The child smiled. It was the first time she got out of the castle-like mansion that her family resided.

"Mom! Look! The birds are here! It feels like they're welcoming us." The child said.

The mother looked at her daughter.

Her cute daughter wears a fluffy pale blue dress with ribbons and raffles that accentuates her daughter's pure innocent eyes accompanied by a cute white beret hat with a pale blue ribbon.

"My daughter really is the cutest…" she said as she complimented her daughter and pinched her bouncy white cheeks.

"Mom! Stop that!" her daughter replied.