The day of departure has been set and Adelyn was with Adam. The two of them will be the first to depart to scout the area of Stygian ruins before they meet their client at the entrance.

So, for now, Adelyn pushed the thoughts about the Crown Prince and the issue at the Levingstone Kingdom.

It seems that Evelyn will need to come back as Adelyn, her alias to infiltrate the Palace. But before that, she needs to face Silvester again, and pretend that she doesn't know him.

"Adam, and Princess. You need to be careful though I know that the both of you are strong… just be ready for what will happen there." Erick said as he stands at the door of the Monterio Guild to send them off for a mission that he can't say no because it was from the Crown Prince.

"Don't worry, I have Adam with me… He's the best shield that I can have." Adelyn smirks while Adam who started to walk from the two and was far away feels cold in his back.