"And how will you use me?" The assassin asks and Evelyn smiles.

"Hmm… how about you become a spy for us?"

"What? You'll trust me with that?" The man winched at the pain as he moved his body because of the frustration.

"Oh no… I don't have the time to trust someone who wanted to kill me just a few minutes ago. We will have another contract… using black magic of course."

"Ha-hahaha!" The assassins laugh.

The brows of the people behind Evelyn started to narrow and become a frown from the conversation that the two were having.

"And what's the difference between you and them? Both of you are just using me."

"That's right… I'll use you so, why don't you use me too?"

His brows twitch. Evelyn continued.

"Use me to gain freedom… you're young and assassination really isn't a job for a young man like you. I'll give you freedom in exchange for spying them. I know you can do that."