"Are the preparations ready?" Silvester asked.

"Yes, your highness."

"Then, shall we?"


They embark to go to the Capital and the Royal Palace. Edickart immediately held a meeting with Silvester after they arrived at the Palace.

"It's been a while, your highness." Edickart greeted Silvester.

"There's no need for formalities, your majesty." Silvester said.

The two greeted each other and Edickart immediately dismissed his aides and knights. Silvester did the same but made Evelyn that was disguised as Adelyn the knight, stay.

"Is your female knight going to stay?"

"Is there a problem?"

Evelyn, disguised as Adelyn and is wearing a black mask that covers her half face, looks straight into space and doesn't meet Edickart's heating gaze.

"Nothing… I just thought that she looks familiar, now that I have a proper look of her."