"How are you, Young Master?"

"Should I answer like I wasn't shocked by this? Or just honestly answer that question?"

Allan asked with his brows shot high and his sunset eyes shook for a moment.

"It's up to you... answer what you deemed necessary."

"Is that so…? Then I would answer that I'm fine before you showed up…"


Evelyn laughs and scoffs at the same time. She finds it funny that her brother has the same sharpness of tongue.

Allan can't take his eyes off the woman in front of her. Evelyn was sipping the tea that Allan's aide brought.

"You should drink the tea while it's hot. It would help you calm down." She gave advice to her big brother.

Cabel joined them and sits beside Evelyn so close. 

Allan crumpled his face and asked.

"And what the hell are you doing here, Duke Cabel? Aren't you supposed to be in your fief?"