An incident occurred whereas Evelyn didn't anticipate. Her brother, Allan, was lying on the cold hard floor.

"Young Master!"

The leader of the second group of the Light Legion shouted. However Allan can only respond in grumbles and moaned.

"Young Master?! Please stay strong!"

"What's happening to him?" Cabel talked and crouched down.

"I don't know… We should get him out of here" The knight replied.

Evelyn was left astound as she looked and stood there blinking at her brother's paled face. She didn't imagine that one day the brother who looks and stands likes a boulder and mocks her can someday show vulnerability.


Evelyn can't hear Cabel's voice. Seeing that she wasn't paying attention to him, Cabel stood up and grabbed both her shoulders.

"Adelyn… Get a hold of yourself…."

Cabel didn't call her Eve or Evelyn but instead he called her in her alias because the Knight was beside them.