Cabel and the rest of the contracted spirits of Evelyn were having quite a heated discussion about when and how Evelyn should be rescued.

"I told you, we should stick to the plan…" Gil shouted.

"It's been a week already and Evelyn is still there! How much longer should we sit still and wait like this?!" Cabel shouted as he bang the table as he grew irritated at the situation.

"You should chill a bit, kid!" Bern said to Cabel as he sat across from him with his arms cross in his chest.

"What?! You're saying that I should relax when Evelyn was there with that bastard Adley and who knows what that bastard is doing… tsk!"

Cabel cannot continue his words. He doesn't have the guts to tell what dark thoughts are swirling in his mind, especially that Adley is a cunning man that would do anything to get what he wants.

As Alisha saw through Cabels worries she tried to reassure him by telling Evelyn's capabilities.