Ai Feng Part 1

In the business world, have you heard of the Ai family? 'Ai' is a Chinese name which means 'Loving'. The term shoots out and wring of our imagination a demure feeling or a fiery passion!

The name put in us a positive feeling and vibe

"To love something means you are alive". said Ai Feng, when he was asked in an interview in the grand opening of his AI Electronics in Beijing, 'what was the essence of the name, and why did he make his company go with the name AI'

"People have various understanding of the name, some say the name represents fulfillment, happiness, treasuring something, peace, care and many more

Ai Feng was smiling when he said all that in his usual confident and elegant sitting posture

"Is that what you think also". The interviewer ask. "Is that what your family understand as the meaning of their family names". The female interviewer continues.

She was wearing an eager look on her face. It was as if she was uncovering a hidden secret.

Ai Feng paused in his smiling face, then recovered after a second. With a sincere and smiling tone he said "yes, that's what us the Ai clan understood of our name".

The interview was broadcasted in the tv, and many people was acknowledging the Ai clan as the most humanistic and moral clan. The masses gave it the nick name 'The Love Clan'


But are those understandings of 'loving' what the family understood in their name?

Maybe yes or

Maybe not?