AI Feng part 3

Ai Feng was born into a working class home, both of his parent were white collar workers, he have three brothers and one older sister.

Back then the republic of China have not set a limit on the number of children to have

Ai Feng was 13 years old, his older sister was 15 years old, the second boy was 11 years old, the third boy was 9 years old and the last child was 2 years old

The last child would be said to be a mistake but no child is ever a mistake. A child is a gift to you, a blessing for you to cherish

Ai Feng parent never planned to have another child but his mother took in

So there's that, she has no option than to have a bouncing baby boy

Ai Feng loves his family very much, he especially loves the youngest the most

Everytime that he returns from school, if he has extra money, he will use it to buy toys, sweets or chocolates for him

And his little brother in turn loves him the most out of all his siblings

Ai Feng have a happy home and he was contented with what he have

He once told his best friend 'Gui Fan' with a smile that he will not trade this happiness for anything, when the both of them were shopping presents for his junior brother 3rd birthday.


From this small interactions, you will see that Ai Feng life is good, that the only trouble he can get is the 'siblings squabble' but that's where you are wrong

Trouble did come, and it was a life changing one