Who Will Inherit My Empire Part 5

Ai Feng is now a white haired old man who has a wizened short hair "

A fairly wrinkled face and a thin build

He carries himself now with a friendly and happy smile

But you should not be deceived by his smile, because his eyes are like the dark night and feels like he could see everything " and no secret can hide from him.

" Bojing " I am proud of you for the work you have done in America,

Now welcome to your father's land and in here " you will settle down "

Your mission in America is over

" You did well "

Ai Bojing only smiled at his father acknowledgement

His brother gave him an insincere smile and his sister just sat there silently and indifferently "

Ai Feng continues

You will start working on one of our company branch here in Beijing

You will be the CEO of " AI FAMILY ELECTRONICS "

Bojing was surprised " and not only him, the rest of his siblings were

Only his mother sat there without any expression other than a kind smile which always seem to remain her face

The siblings had different reaction "

Dayu only showed her surprise by the lines which were formed in her smooth forehead

But Bingwen was truly shocked

He widened his eyes as he breathes heavily

" Dad! " AI FAMILY ELECTRONICS already have it's CEO

Someone who topped his set in his year when he graduated from Harvard University, United kingdom

He was a rare gem that major companies were fighting for

If we just dismiss him like that

It will be a major insult!

Father reconsider "

The mood in the room chilled.

Xia Lan saw that the atmosphere have started getting cold " and when she was about to say something

Bingwen it-

Ai Feng cut her short by saying with a smile

It's okay we will just give him a more important position

Those Englishmen only liked to be taking serious "

And John Da is our country people " he would understand

Put him in an important position, " it didn't matter if you dismiss him from this one.

I have lot of companies " Ai Feng laughs "


Ai Bingwen tried to say something "

He then stopped "

Because the eye his father gave him terrified him so much he was sweating bullets "

Okay father " he relented "

With a laughing tone, Ai Feng said

" Alright now, stop with all this

Since it is rare that all our family to come together

Let us talk important things like

" Dayu, I heard there are lot of guys fighting over you


Ai Dayu then blushes at her father words

And you Bingwen when are you going to get married?

Ai Feng started nagging like a woman "

Even Bojing that has just returned was not spared


After the dinner "

When all of the siblings have gone to their apartment

Even Xia Lan was sleeping in the bedroom

Only Ai Feng was sitting in the living room

With a mysterious smile " he said

" Who will Inherit my Empire?