I'm a Sophomore and I hate school.
I'm bisexual and yes I'm sure
When I tell you I'm bisexual please don't tell me I'm too young to understand
Because this is me I understand who I am
I think I have social anxiety
I have my head kinda shaved and it is pink and green(just added the green)
I have dyed my hair so many times I'm amazed it hasn't fallen out yet
I have angel bites and I've been called stupid because of them
I care what people think because I am a people pleaser
And I would hurt myself to make someone else happy
I was once told i was being cheated on but I stayed In the relationship and stayed silent because I didn't want to make them upset
I would cry every night becausei thought they were cheating and I would be in so much pain because of them but I didn't want to hurt them the way they were hurting me
I also watch a lot of anime Netflix and YouTube because I have no life
Got bored while dying my hair so I decided to say some things about myself I hope you enjoy this and if there is anything else you want to know just ask and I will answer it