1st Period
Im invisible. Nobody noticed me. I say something and no one hears. Going unnoticed could be good. If you're already invisible then no one will notice when you're gone. I'm starting to get bored. Bored of Netflix and YouTube. Bored of waking up. Bored of my same old routine. I'm bored of my life. But I'm also scared to change it. On the weekends I sleep till noon to stay In bed longer and when I'm awake I just lay staring at the wall for a little bit.
I think I need help.
2nd Period
Costa Rico trip is cancelled.(my Spanish class was gonna go to costa Rico over summer break but not enough kids signed up) I told my friend and they are all like "it's not cancelled it just next year". It's cancelled for this year. But she never listens to me my way so what's the point in wasting my breath. My shoulder hurts for some ungodly reason and I'm cramping and it's Monday so my life is fan-freaking-tastic. It's only second period. Ugh.
I think I wanna die but it's okay.
I am also hungry because I didn't eat breakfast.
3rd Period
4 more days till fall break thank gosh. I want more piercings . I want an eyebrow,nose, and a helix piercing. I think I want a septum piercing but idk. *Talks about piercings because piercings make me happy*
4th Period
I wanna curl up in the fetal position and cry. I hurt physically,mentally,and emotionally, but it's okay because no one cares.
I don't smile at the things I use to smile at and I don't laugh at things I use to laugh at.
I've changed so much and I'm not sure if it s a good change.