
I have no plans for Halloween and everybody is talking about how they are hanging out with their friends and are tricker-treating and blah blah blah. I have no plans and no one wants to hang with me so I'm just gonna sit at home and feel lonely like I do any other day.

Then in first period I asked my teacher for a pencil and she never game ma a pencil so I just read then I got in trouble for reading and not doing my work

Then now I second period I'm sitting right next to the teacher saying the answers and she can't seem to hear me then someone else says it and she like that's the only one in the class who knows the answer so now I know I'm invisible to at least 2 of my teachers So let's see how many people don't notice me today.Already I can tell I'm gonna hate today. It's only second period and I already just wanna break down and cry. I just wanna go home blare my music and cry but I have to go to a prison they call school.