I was happy today. A lot of crap has happened to me lately and I've been all down in the dumbs and I've been upset,but today was a special day I was happy. Like genuinely happy. But everyone else brought me down. I was happy go lucky but all y others friends were talking about wanting to die and how there life sucks and they just brought me down. I guess that jut goes to show i can't be happy. Also I was told to start counseling but i don't know if my parents will take me to counseling I wanna go because i don't like feeling the way I've been feeling but counseling is probably expensive and we don't have that money.
I started having a good day then it all came grumbling down. On the bus ride home I just wanted to cry and I feel like that again so I'm blaring my music writing to you all.
Also because I wasn't here Friday I have a lot to do but I also have a day of cause of Election Day.
I have:
*2 pages math homework
*1 Spanish Essay
*Watch a video and answer questions for Zoology
*Read some out of my Zoology book
*I have to make up a Spanish quiz
*Vocabulary paper for Personal Finance
*History Reading paper with a page of questions to answer
*2 labs to catch up on in Chemistry
I have all that to do some I'm coloring and listening to music. Good job me