In a Pickle

So I'm starting to not like my boyfriend because he has changed kinda since we started dating and I have changed too. We have had a lot of little arguments over stupid stuff and I'm just getting annoyed by it all.

I just don't feel the way I use to feel about him.

I mean I've sat and I've tried to let us work but things have just changed and right know with my depression I feel like I should be single and just take care of myself right now. Last time I got depressed like this I was in a relationship and I was then dumped and at first it made things worse but then I took care of myself and I just worried about my own feelings and that kinda help so it could help this time.

Also I want to break up with him it's just he is my brothers friend and he is over here a lot and if we break up and he comes over I will be shy and awkward in my own home and I will just lock myself away in my room and be antisocial and I don't wanna lock myself in my room anymore. I want to be more social with my family,and locking myself away to avoid my ex will not help that.

Then today in the after school program I was walking and talking to one of my friends,and I think I'm kinda starting to like him a little. We just walked and talked and we have so much in common and we learned a lot about each other and he makes me laugh and he doesn't care that I'm "gay"because he is  bisexual. He is already friends with my friends so I don't have to worry about them not liking him. He just makes me happy and giggly.

So um I'm kinda in a pickle and I would really like some advice so please help me guys