
Hey guys so I've got some stuff to tell you:

1) this is the second time I have Witten this because it just deleted all my stuff I had about four paragraphs written so yeah

2) we have finales the next three days then it winter/Christmas break

3) I told one of my friends about my depression and told them about some personal matters and talking and out it almost made me cry

4) my teacher wrote a note to the class and read it aloud and it made me cry a little and It was just so sweet. She talked about how it's not the content she cares about it's us students and this year is the first year she got notes from a student(me) and she said that we are all over-comers because we are all struggling with something but we a still come to school and learn and smile. While she was reading the letter she would sometimes glance at me and smile and i that's because i told her my story. I wrote her letters and I was a kid who helped remind her why she started teaching.

5) my family isn't really gonna celebrate Christmas this year because we don't get presents so what's the point in decorating and putting up a tree so whatever

6)I tried to sign up to another online counseling app and yet again was turned down

7) the after school program is suppose to help me and lately it has just made things worse

8) everyone else I know has someone to make them happy but I feel like I have no one and I menean yes I want to me single and everything but that doesn't mean I don't want a person

9) last night about 11pm I was gonna go to bed but instead I just kinda cried in my bed