
  I think I'm gonna quit writing. Writing helps it but lately people haven't been reading. My Wattpad could be messed up or people are just not into what I write anymore. Lately I've been having  depressive episodes again after a while of not having them. I just don't see the point. I mean no one else is trying to help me in anyway shape or form so why am I helping myself my writing down my feelings and other stupid stuff. I've honestly gave up on trying in school, I don't read as much as I use too and at home I sit in my room watching YouTube or blaring music.

     One of the you tubers I watch ,Matthew lush, tweeted about how one of his subscribers died by suicide. He posted this tweet 1/16/18. Yesterday(1/17/18)in third period I thought about that tweet and my mind wondered. I know I didn't know this person but it just felt wrong that where I was people were still laughing and smiling while this person just took their own life. Then I started thinking about suicide and how not many people acknowledge it's a thing and when it happens they don't say anything. People need to be aware of suicide and it's warning signs so they can help save a life. We need to talk about these sour topics instead of waiting till it's too late and say "there is nothing they could have done". Yes you could have been aware, you could have cared.