So I never really explained why I identify as Panromantic instead of Pansexual so I thought I could finally explain it to you all. So I have lots of friends who talk alot about sex and talk about how awesome it is and blah. Well they talk about it and I just feel gross or awkward. Then when I told some friends I hadnt had my first kiss at the age of 16 they were all shocked by it. (i have know had my first kiss and regret it)
I jus wan tr ed to have my first kiss so I wouldn't be judge, so I could be like everyone one else. I did things just because other people were doing it and didnt want to be weird or just thought I was weird for feeling the way I am. But know I know what I am and went throught a bad relationship trying to be someone I wasnt.
So I finally looked into asexual and felt a connection with it and just kinda taught myself about it and I know Identify as Panromantic Asexual. So finally at the age of 17 i kinda figured that out. I just wish i had done it sooner to have avoided what happened in my last relationship.