So the first thing i mentioned was being evicted so like i said im gonna firther explain a little to help me becaise its not really something i like talking about but it will kinda explain why i have been on.
Anyway toward the end of the year of 2019 out lanlord was hounding my mom for rent money saying she was $4000 behind on rent. She had my mom come to her house to talk and i went woth my mom. We walked to her house and she immediately started saying my mom was 4 months behind and owed $4,000 and was scheduled to come by and look at the house and was saying she didnt expect my mom to betray her like this.
My mom just had to finish paying off the previous mo th and it was a new mo th so if anything she had to finish one month and pay another. Well a couple days later she stopped by like she said she would. She then started to say again she was disappointed with my mom and said she didnt think my mom would betray her like this. When we firat moved in ahe said she didnt want us having cats because she was allergic but we had cats so i understand a little why she was upset, and one night my mom drunkenly started painting the walls so she had and issue with that and again i understand. But we had 2 dogs and she said nothing about us not being able to have dogs but she wantes us to get rid of out cats and dogs, repaint the walls, rapaint out cabinets, put new wood on the florr and pay her pack the 4,000 or we would be evicted. So obviously my mom was stressing out. Then my aunt(moms sister) live with us and she started yelling and cussing out the landlord and to get payback the landlord called CPS on my aunt and tried to get my cousins taken away. Thankfully my aunt didnt lose them and now has her own place.
Our landlord tried to evict us in November but the jodge said winter was coming and wasnt going to evict us and have no wjere to go in the cold weather so we had till Jan 15. We started packing and my mom was looking for places but couldnt find one. She and one of my oldest brother moved into a motel, me and my you geat brother moves in with my dad so we had transportation back and forth to school and my middle brother was in college so it didnt really effect his living situation.
Me and my brother now had to wake up at 5:40 in the morning and drive 30-40 minutes to school. We would wake up at the time because my dad had to work and that when he got up. Then after school we would have to sit at either the park or Walmart and wait for my dads girlfriend to pick us up at 3:30. Anyway so this dosent get any longer im gonna stop here and if i have more to say ill aay it in another chapter.
P.S Sorry its so long.