I had been reading the book Columbine because my friend gave me the book as a present and said he recommended it for me. My English teacher was also reading it and we would discuss it. Well one Monday i was having a bad day because well i was being evicted and had lost my dog who was my best friend and i was feeling sick and it felt like everythingwas going wrong. I had started talking to my friend about the book and he knows i have depression and kinda knew i was going throught a rough patch and he started making jokes saying i was gonna shoot up my school. I didnt feel like arguing so i kwpt quiet went along with it for a little, which i know i shouldn't have but i just felt sick and didnt feel like doing amything. He then started pointing at people and asked how i felt about them. And i would tell him "that kids annoying" or "im jealous of him my crush likes him".
Well Tuesday i had just left the hospital for my clinicals with school and was still feeling sick. He started to text me and asking my opinion on people and i gave the same answers "that kids annoying" or "im jealous of him my crush likes him". Well apparently he then went to the school told them i was going to shoot up the school and i had a hitlist of people and had a special spot for my friends to hide.
On December Friday the 13 i was pulled out of class and was sent to Wellstone. I had to ride the ambulance their and was texting my mom crying. I was their for 5 days until finally i spoke up signed myself out. I waited so long because they said they dont do discharges on the weekend so i waited till Monday and i told them i wanted to leave. They said i had to speak to my doctor before leaving and after seeing him i got upset. He said that i was to sad to leave and need to start antidepressants even after i said i didnt want medication. I then called my mom and told her what the doctor said and my mom then added my granma to the call. My grandma had worked in the medical field and told me about an AMA(Against Medical Advice) paper and said i was 18 and should be able to legally sign myself out, i cried thanked her then had to hang up.We then went to dinner and when we got back i pulled aside one of the nurses/workers. I told them i was 18, legally an adult and wanted to sign myself out because i saw not reason for me being their. She then told me she would talk to another worker and they got my AMA paper ready and i left the next day.
My mom then called the school seeing when i could return and they told her i couldnt go back. The school said i was suspended until i met with a specialist and was no longer a danger to others or myself. So i set up an appointment, talked to them and they said they saw nothing wrong and i good to go back to school.
I was relieved, excited and terrified. I had missed 1 week of school, then it was winter break then missed the first 2 days then finally could go back. I thankfully didnt have alot of work to make up but i definitely had to make up finals and lost all my friends. Overtime my friends started to talk to me again and invited me back to hanging out with them then March was break again then Coronavirus happened so my senior year has kinda SUCKED.