So dont know if i told you but ive had this crush for awhile. She is apart a friend group i ise to be really close to. Well i had told her i liked her and she said ahe liked me too and wanted us to hang out more hey to know each other better. i was so excited. Just getting to know her sounded perfect. Well a few days went by and we didnt talk and eventually a friend told me she never liked me, just said she didnt so it would hurt me but leading me on hurt more. I told everyome it was fine and after awhile i said i was over her. I really did try to get over her but everything she did drew me back in. Then quarantine happened and well i thought i was finnaly over her.
Then my friend tells me she got a boyfriend and i told him i had a weird drem and he immediately mentions my crush and says i had a about her. Then it just brought back all the feelings and when he told she had a boyfriend it felt like my heart sank.
Ive never felt this way about anyone and it just kinda sucks when i cate for someone this deeply its with someone who barely sees me. I see her and my heart skips a beat. I hear shes happy with outme and while im smile because shes happy and thats what she deserves it i also frown because im not the one making her happy. I dont get to see her smile or hear her laugh anymore. So um if its not obvious, im definitely not over her and it sucks because she probably dosent even think about me.