Chapter 16

Sammy's POV

I'm laying in bed not feeling well.

Halloween is soon.

"Maybe you should hunt maybe that's why your feeling sick."suggested my soon to be husband.

I smile and laugh looking at my left ring finger.

"I can't do it! It makes me sick to just smell it much worse if I see it and over the edge if I taste blood from an animal or human."I say

Zambia and Clara walk in loaded with different snacks but nothing catches my fancy except peanuts and crunchy peanut butter.

Then Nick came in tailing Ryder who held a few takeout trays just enough for us.

I got a whiff and wrinkled my nose.

"Can vampires get a cold?"I ask

"Not that I've heard and certainly not half vampires either."remarks Nick opening his tray to reveal a wrap I snag the whole box.

He gives me a puzzled look.

"Sorry did I growl at you?"I asked

"No I was just checking we got you a pasta and burgers with mozzarella stick."he said

"Ooh sounds yummy."I say releasing Nick's food.

Suddenly I get a sharp pain in my stomach I raced for our bathroom just down the hall. Tomorrow we're going to have our old house torn down and rebuild. A recent earthquake brought down our closet entrance. And damage was done to the house.

I barely make it before I fall my brother picked me up. Suddenly my stomach started rolling like the brother Jimmy on cursed before they killed the bad wolf that started it.

Then it started bulging a bit before the pain subsequently dispersed then I bolted to the toilet in time.

My brother held my hair back while I puked just burning water.

"Pregnant?"Clara asked

"Only one way to find out. Find a vampire doctor or a regular doctor."Nick said

I guess I collapsed because I woke in bed and the phone rings in the distance. I rolled over.

My stomach growls I get up and stretch then go track down my food. I make it before I smell blood human blood and I'm greedily wanting it I followed the scent on my couch sits my meal a white dressed man with a stethoscope on his neck.

I launched quickly. I bite the shoulder and stay latched. The doctor struggled then went limp. I pulled off and looked around my stomach feeling a bit weird I get hungry so I go to the kitchen I opened the fridge and pulled out my tray labeled for me.

Nick takes it from me.

"Mine!"I growled

"Doc said pregnant people shouldn't eat meat cold. And you sister are pregnant."he said putting it in the oven with the pasta neatly arranged and the pasta in a casserole dish.

"How long?"I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Its three o clock. You knocked out around eleven so that's exactly four hours. The others told me to babysit you while they went to get some things. They won't be happy sister when they find out you drained poor doc about three pint's of blood. But not my fault if I hadn't had to go to answer the phone I could've stopped you."he said

"Anything?"I asked

"Not a single trace of venom. But he's passed out. Awfully frightened in his posture."he said

"He wasn't expecting to be a donor."I say

"Nope and I'll reverse the damage! You just go take a quick shower and I'll grab you fresh laundry."he said.

I immediately did as he said. I felt better after I got out I quickly dried off and dressed in my nightgown. That was there.

After I was done I ran to the kitchen.

Robbie was back and was leaning against a frame talking to somebody I plowed into Robbie and he stumbled catching the counter as I held onto him.

Nick pries me off and sets me into a chair.

"Hungry?"he asked

I nodded. He puts my burger and mozzarella sticks in front of me and a small potion of pasta.

I eat the whole thing and drink the rest of my soda.

"You're definitely hungry feel better?"he asked

I look at Nick and felt my fangs enlarge.

I stood up knocking the chair down eying him.

"Obviously you're whacked look away or I'll call your brother."he said

Obviously Zambia was near he rushed in grabbing my arms behind me and spinning me.

I growl.

He shoved me into the wall keeping my arms behind me.

"Behave yourself will you."he said

I only respond by growling.

"Maybe she'll respond to me."Robbie said

"We could try?"Zambia said

Robbie grabbed me by the arm and Zambia let me go.

I go after Zambia growling and hissing.

"Easy Kitten."Robbie said pulling me to him and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I look at him and snuggled into him.

"Don't let me go."I say

"Why?"he asked

"Because I'll kill if you do and I wanna kill just everyone and anybody."I say clamping onto his arms around me.

"No you won't. I order you not to kill. And I'll always hold you forever."he said

"Like a game but I'm just to full of need to kill just somebody. Can I kill just one person?"I asked

"Who would that be?"asked Nick, Robbie,Zambia, and Ryder who just walked in with Clara who I immediately hissed at she did the same Nick grabbed her as Robbie pulled me further back. Because we both lurched.

"What the Hecks going on?"Nick asked

"Dunno but Clara's pregnant I know that and I know sometimes people who are pregnant don't like certain people."Ryder said

"Great war of the pregnant brides what are we going to do?"Robbie asked

"All they wanna do is kill maybe we'll have a sacrificial party and let them have at it."said Zambia

So they wiped the fight outta our minds and wiped the fact of pregnancy out and confounded us. Then planned a party.