Chapter Two

"Ulva my name is Miko. It pleases me that we have finally found each other." The two wolves ran around playing. "I will let Lynn take control for a while." The male wolf licks his mate. "Hello Lynn, my names Miko and my and Kar will do all we can to keep you safe." Lynn place her muzzle under his and licked him. "If Ulva trust you both then so will I." Kar took control. "Lynn, I hope we can make you happy."

Once more in human form, she sat at the edge of the bed. "Kar?" he looked up as he walked out of the bathroom. "Thank you for finding me." He smiled at her. Picking her up in his arms he carries her to the room next to theirs. "This whole floor is ours. This happens to be my office." She looked around. "It's beautiful Kar." He sat her on her feet, and she walked over to where there were books. "Do you like to read?" he asked. "Yes. I used to read whenever someone left a book somewhere."

"Well then if there is any book you want please let me know." She saw him go to his desk. "I have some pack work to do make yourself committable okay." She found a book and laid down on a sofa. Kar looked up and saw her asleep. Walking over he placed a blanket over her. Kar went back to work.

Lynn woke up and saw she was in bed. As she walked downstairs, she followed her mates sent into a kitchen.

"Hey Hun, how are you feeling?" Kar asked her. When there was a bang Lynn jumped and dropped to her knees covering herself. Kar walked over and pulled her to him. "Lynn you're okay baby." She felt him touch her arm. She looked up at him. "I'm sorry Kar. I didn't." he stops her. "You have no reason to be sorry baby. Your old pack on the other hand." Kar helped her to a seat. "Are you hungry?" she looked up at him. "Yes, but I can cook." She was going to get up when he stopped her.

"No, you sit there and relax. How does taco's sound?" Kar sees her smile at him. "Okay. I have never had taco's before." This shocked Kar. "How can you never have had taco's before?" she giggled at the look on his face. Kar hands her a laptop and pull up a page. "You need stuff to wear. As much as I love you in my shirts. I'm sure you would like stuff of your own."

Lynn wasn't sure what to do. "How do you work this?" Kar chuckled as he showed her how to work the laptop. "Get whatever you want baby. Just add it to the cart and I will do the rest." She looks at stuff as Kar cooks. She was getting a headache and laid her head down for a moment. "Baby wake up. It's time to eat dinner." She opened her eyes, then closed them again.

Kar knew something wasn't right. "Lynn you okay baby?" she shook her head. "My head is killing me." He felt her head. "You have a small fever probably from shifting. Let's get you in bed." He helped her stand up, but she threw up and when she moved her hand there was blood. Kar caught her as her legs gave out. "Get the pack doctor." He mind linked any that heard him.

She woke up and looked around. Her body was too weak to move. "Lynn?" she turned when she heard Kar. "Your body is shutting down." He tells her with a sadness in his voice. "Baby you can't leave me. Not after I have finally found you." He takes her hand in his. "Please fight for us, Lynn." She looks up at him. "Okay."

After that day she did fight. It was three months later, and she was running through the packhouse. "Kar, I said I was sorry." He had her trapped. "Baby please I didn't mean to." Kar looked at her. "How do you not mean to hit me with a water balloon love?" she smiled up at him and walked closer to him. Placing her hands around his waist she looks up kissing him. "I meant I was sorry I hit you in the head babe." She whispered as she dumped a bucket of water on him.

Lynn took off running as fast as she could laughing. She shifted mid-jump and was out the door into the backyard. Other pack members smiled as they saw her wolf running around. There was snow on the ground as she stood out in the yard waiting for her mate. She had her body ready as he walked out to the backyard. She gave him a playful bark.

Kar looks at his mate and smiles as he shifts. "Can you outrun Miko love?" she yipped as she turned to run. Kar let Miko go and they ran after there mate. The pack was happy to see them having fun. Kar had lost her and was looking when she jumped on his back playfully biting his neck. "Good job baby. Your getting better at hiding you're sent." He tells her. As they run deeper into the woods he sees her stop and start growl.

Walking next to her he stands at her side. "It's my old pack." All playfulness is gone, As they come in to view she gives them a warning growl. Kar backed her up. She has become a strong Luna and was proud to call her his. "Alpha Kar we are here to talk to you about your mate." She growled again. Kar shifted back into human form. "Stay in that form Love." She snarled at her old pack.

Kar couldn't stop the smile at how fierce she had become. "Please this is a talk for us, not runts." Before Kar could respond a wolf flew at her but she easily pinned it and growled as she had her jaws around its neck. "You dear attack my mate?" Kar says. "I didn't he acted on his own." Lynn knew better. "Kar, he lies." She says to him. "My mate doesn't believe you and neither do I." Lynn still has the wolf pinned when a shot ring out.

Kar turns to see Lynn snap the wolfs neck then launch an attack at her old pack. Kar shifts attacking as he tells his pack where they are. He tries to keep his eyes on Lynn and sees her growling as she attacks a wolf. "Love there are rouges in the area as well." He sees her growl. Just then a huge black wolf jumps on her pinning her down to the ground. She growls as she pushes it off her.

Running to her side as she gets up the black wolf attacks again. Kar jumps in front of her growling. Lynn sees a wolf moving to attack some kids and she jumps to there help. She glares at the wolf. When it attacks, she doges it then snaps its neck letting out a howl filled with so much power it even had Kar bowing to her. Sifting back to her human form she looks at her old pack. "Leave now and never come back. This will be your only warning." She used her alpha voice and her old pack whimpered and walked away.

Kar sees her arm is bleeding. "Love you are hurt." She looks at her arm than him. "How is this wound not killing me it was a silver bullet?" she asked confused. "I have only heard of one other pack that could do that love. How sure are you that you belong to your old pack?" she tried to think about it. "I really don't know babe. Is there any way to find out?" he takes her hand and leads her to the pack hospital.