Chapter 41

The ceremony was soon over and everybody was preparing for the grand banquet. As the sun began to set, the main hall was once again abuzzed with talks of the goddess's appearance and the new vessel.

After eating, Count Polit approached my father with the two men and bowed.

"Your grace." He greeted my father who was talking with some of our new knights.

The knights bowed and left as father faced Count Polit with a polite smile.

"It's good to see you Count Polit." Father greeted him. "How is your territory?"

"It is doing well, thanks to your grace." He replied gratefully. "Thank you for inviting me your grace."

Father shook hand with Count Polit and he seems to be introducing his companions. They talked for some time before father turned to face me then turned back to the men who also glanced at me.

A few moments later, father, Count Polit and the men were approaching me.

"My lady." Count Polit greeted me as he and the men bowed.

"It is good to see you well Count Polit." I replied softly. "Thank you for coming with such a short notice."

Father smiled at us and excused himself to talk with Klent and the man with him.

"My lady, I should be the one thanking you for inviting me." He replied hastily obviously uneasy. I smiled at him and glanced at the men behind him.

"Ah, my lady, I would like to introduce to you Count Van Gandor and Viscount Rutchel." Count Polit introduced the two men who bowed to me.

"Hello, thank you for coming." I smiled at them.

"Ah.. Thank you for letting us come even though we came uninvited my lady." Count Gandor smiled. He was a plump man with graying hair. But the the thing that caught my eyes is his missing ear. I tried my best not to stare at it though and just focus on his jolly personality.

"You did?" I asked feigning surprise.

"Yes, my lady." Viscount Rutchel smiled apologetically. "We only tagged along Count Polit to be able to get in."

In contrast to Count Polit and Count Gandor, Viscount Rutchel is a handsome well built man. With his stature, one can easily tell that he is a knight even in formal clothing. He was blond and clean shaven with very light grayish blue eyes.

"Oh my!" I exlaimed dramatically. "I'm sorry for not sending you one. I will definitely remember to send invitations to the Lords next time."

"We would be honored to receive an invitation from House Castellan, my lady." Count Gandor laughed happily.

"Next time, I'll come with my wife." Viscount Rutchel said with a chuckle "She absolutely adores the Archduchess."

"That would be wonderful Viscount." I looked at him wide eyed. "Mother has been stuck at home for sometime now. With all these changes inside the house, especially me and my sisters, she haven't been able to socialize. A friend she could chat with would be very welcome."

"Ah! Then I should tell my wife to come and visit Her grace sometime soon." Count Gandor cut in before facing Count Polit and smiled. "You should let your wife visit too Roy! She is quiet well-acquainted with other noble ladies."

Count Polit smiled proudly.

"Of course!" He said puffing his chest. "My wife would definitely like that."

I looked at this trio of noblemen and thought that they are not bad. I actually like them and know that they are going to be good allies to House Castellan.


Sebastiene immidiately came closer to me.

"Yes, my lady?"

"Please add Countess Gandor and Viscountess Rutchel to the list of invited ladies for mother's tea party." I instructed him in front of the men.

"Of course, my lady."

Sebstiene pulled out a little notebook and a pen out of his back pockets and started writing. The look of pure bliss was painted on the mens faces. However Count Polit had an awkward smile.

"I have already listed Countess Polit, I just needed to add countess Gandor and Viscountess Rutchel." I explained which made him beam.

"Ahem." He awkwardly cleared his throat. "Thank you my lady."

"I hope to see the wives of men as dignified as you soon." I smiled at them.

"They would be thrilled my lady!" Count Polit said with a wide smile.

"Uhh.. My lady.. I-" Count Gandor wasn't able to say what he wanted because Sebastiene suddenly leaned to my ear.

"My lady, the saintess of Parsua would like to speak with you." Sebastiene whispered loud enough for the men to hear.

"Okay." I replied before smiling to the men. "I'm sorry, but I must go meet some guests. Please enjoy yourselves."

"Of course my lady, the other guests must want to speak with you. We apologize for taking too much of your time." Count Polit bowed.

"Thank you." I said and turned to meet with the saintess.

Sebastiene had made the saintess wait in the drawing room. When I opened the door, she was standing by the open window gazing ouside. Some strands of her white hair were dancing softly in the night breeze. Her eyes were closed as if she was relishing the moment of peace inside the room.

"Hello saintess." I greeted her as I walked in.

"Saintess of Parsua, greets the vessel." She replied and curtsied.

"This is the last time you curtsy to me saintess." I said to her as I sat down on one of the chairs and motioned for her to do the same. "You don't have to do it everytime you see me. It feels weird."

The saintess had a shocked expression but it quickly turned to a warm smile.

"I understand my lady." She replied.

We sat there in silence not knowing how to start a conversation to the other. It was honestly getting awkward.

"Ehem.." Sebastiene cleared his throat to break the silence.

"Would you like me to bring tea my lady?" He asks.

"I want some red wine." I replied making the saintess' head snap up to look at me.

Sebastiene chuckled.

"I'll bring some tea then. Please excuse me."

Sebastiene went out of the room and closed the door behind him.