Chapter 51

I told the generals to continue their search and immediately went to Athy's room.

Besides Uriel, the saintesses were also there, they were sitting at the sofa having tea. Athy was sitting expressionless on the bed, she did looked better. On the side, Saintess Karen was holding Athy's hand and a faint glow could be seen surrounding them.

I went to Uriel and sat beside her.

"How long has she been awake?" I asked.

"I told you the moment she woke up." Urile looked at me.

I nodded and looked at the saintesses in front of us. They were casually sipping tea like they lived here.

"What's up outside?" Uriel asked.

"We are scouring the entire estate for any prints left by the one who attacked." I sighed. "We don't want any portals suddenly popping out again."

"We were attacked?" Athy's face was black as coal.

"Yep." I replied. "Don't worry about it, I already took care of it."

Athy frowned but did not pursue the issue.

"By the way sis, why did you not use your ability?" Uriel asked puzzled.

"Which one?" I asked.

"Controlling blood." She pointed out. "You could have easily wiped them out like the first ones."

"I lost too much soul force when I used it the first time." I pursed my lips. "My force soul is not yet that deep to be able to continuously use that ability on a number of enemies."

"I see." Uriel nodded. "You should really train you force soul. My force soul is already stronger than yours."

"I know.." I furrowed my eyes at her.

Uriel and I were actuall just acting. What the saintesses didn't know, is that our force soul was stronger than anyone. We just didn't want others to know. It would create havoc why we have such emmence force soul. Even as vessels, it would be considered abnormal. It was a cheat given by the goddess of life. Even if they are saintesses, we still couldn't be sure if they are our allies.

"Sister, do we know who attacked us?" Athy suddenly interrupted my thoughts.

I shook my head. "We are still looking into it."

"But one thing is for sure, it was a necromancer that attacked us." I informed them.

Athy stared at me with calm eyes filled with questions.

"A necromancer.." Saintess Sachi whispered.

A crashing sound made all our heads snapped towards the other person who was sitting quietly.

The cup in Saintess Jubie's hand crumbled to pieces on the floor.

"Saintess Jubie?" Uriel frowned, staring at the floor where pieces of the cup scattered.

"I-I'm sorry my lady." Saintess Jubie tried to scramble for words. Her hands were shaking and she had a fearful look in her eyes.

"Calm down Jubie." Saintess Karen touched her on the shoulder.

Uriel offered her a glass of water which she gratefully took. Saintess Karen still has her hand on Saintess Sachi's shoulder and it was glowing faintly.

'Is she healing her or something?' I thought.

"Saintess Jubie has severe fear of moving dead bodies. She's had it ever since she was young." Sachi kindly explained as she used the shadows to clean up. It was my first time seeing her ability. She can control the shadows to do her bidding.

"Why is that?" Uriel asked.

Saintess Sachi looked down and didn't answer making Uriel frown.

'Did she just ignore me?' Uriel's annoyed voice came on my head. I rolled my eyes at her.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to." I glanced at Saintess Sachi before looking at Saintess Jubie. "We won't force you, don't worry."

"Thank you, my lady." She heavily sighed.

"Come forth.." My head snapped at Athy when I heard her summon. "Sidapa."

A handsome man with golden eyes appeared before us. He casually floated down on the bed and laid beside Athy. He had on a playful smile as he looked at us.

The saintesses dropped on their knees when he stared at them amusedly. Uriel stood there with a stunned expression. Athy.. well.. Athy looked bored, as usual.

"Athy!" I looked at her wide eyed. "You just recovered! How could you summon a god immediately?"

Athy merely laid back down and yawned. She had already summoned this idiot so why is her sister berating her? So she said nothing and expressionlessly continued to lay down.

"So she also does this to you, huh?" Sidapas teasing smile widened.

"What do you mean?" I asked holding my anger.

"She ignores you too." Sidapa smiled, his eyes turning into crescent moons.

"I don't.." Athy replied with a cold voice before looking at me again. "God of death.." She raised her left index finger. "Walking dead.." She raised her right index finger and then moved them close together.

"Ah.." I get it. "You should ask him about it."

I sat back and remembered that the saintesses were still kneeling.

"Get up.." I told them. They stood up and sat on the sofa again, craning their necks around to see Sidapa.

"Are you okay sis?" Uriel whispered to me.

"No." I frowned. "He annoys every cell in my body."

"He annoys Athy too." Uriel chuckled.

"Well, well.." Sidapa smiled at the saintesses. "Who would have thought that you will meet two divine beings in a span of two days, huh?"

"Shut up and tell the ladies what they want to know." Saintess Sachi snapped at him.


Did she just..

"Whoah! Calm down spawn." He teased.

I could hear saintess Sachi tsked.

"I can see that both your vessel and your saintess isn't very fond of you.." I snickered.

"They aren't fond of me.." His eyes turned into crescent moons again. "They love me! Right? Right?"

"No." Athy replied coldly.

"Absolutely not." Saintess Sachi shut him down.

I smirked at him.

"Y-you.." He pointed at Sachi.

"Stop being dramatic." Saintess Sachi rolled her eyes at him.

"Did you just call me to bully me little girl?" He pouted at Athy.

"No." Athy replied as she pushed his face away. "I called you to ask about necromancers."

"Eh?" Sidapa had a blank expression. "If you want to learn about those bastards, just call for Sebby. He should be more than enough to tell you about them."



Where did that demon go? I haven't seen him since I woke up.

"Where is he by the way?" Sidapa looked at me.

I shrugged.

"I haven't seen him since I woke up." I replied.

"Hmmmm?" Sidapa's golden eyes glowed for a moment before a knowing smile plastered on his face. "You should ask him about those necromancers."

I frowned at the god of Death who rolled to his side.

"Little girl," He smiled at Athy as he propped his head up with his hand. "I have a gift for you, but it's in my domain. When you're not busy, come and visit sometime. Kaido is worried about you too."

"Hmmm.." Athy nodded before waving her hand in front of Sidapa.

"Wait-" Sidapa disappeared in a snap.