Chapter 142

We went back to my study and I slumped on my chair behind the desk and closed my eyes, Sebastiene poured me some water to drink.

"Do you think Lord Sidapa will survive Lady Athanasia's anger?" Sebastiene asked as he offered me the glass of water.

"He's a god."I shrugged. "He must have something to placate Athy with."

"Hmmm.." Sebastiene looked towards the door.

I opened my eyes and saw Sebastiene smiling viciously while looking out the door, but it immediately disappeared too.

"Seb, how are the items?" I asked him. The living auction items were sent to his space for easy transport.

"Still asleep." Sebastiene answered. "I think the sleeping potion worked on them since they were already weak, both physically and mentally, they probably won't wake up until tomorrow."

I looked at him thoughtfully.

"You think you can handle all of them if we release them together?" I asked. I actually wanted to release all the items and have them checked by Elaheh before sending them back where they came from. But if they are too much to control, I might end up having them killed, so I wanted to check if there was a way that we could control them, a.k.a Sebastiene.

"If you are asking if I could kill them, yes, quite easily to be honest." Sebastiene answered confidently. "But if you just want me to make them clam down, it would be a bit more difficult but I can still do that."

"Okay." I massaged my temple. Having a lot of people to take care of, I know just having Elaheh as the only person with medical ability will take a toll on her one day. Athanasia would probably give me an earful after. I need doctors and healers for the house and for the Knights of Noktis.

"My lady," Sebastiene looked at me, worry painted on his handsome face. "you should get some rest for today. Other things and reports can be done tomorrow, you can check on the items tomorrow when they are awake too."

I looked at Sebastiene, ever since he became my butler, he has been very attentive to my needs. I didn't even need to order him and he would do things for me, like pouring me something to drink, bringing me snacks when he thinks I would be hungry, going out of my room when I take a bath and now, telling me to rest. Even though he was the one who went to fight Karciel and even stayed behind to help Klent clean up, he still thinks that I needed rest more than him.

"Seb, aren't you tired?" I asked him when we arrived in my room through portals of course. Sebastiene had told me before that he can go for a long time without sleep or eating, but I'm still not comfortable with making him work like that.

"Hmm? Not really." Sebastiene smiled at me and went to the bathroom to ready my bath.

I followed him there and watch as he used his ability to heat the water in the tub, hang the towels, ready the scented oils needed for my bath and checked if there were any peeper outside the windows.

"Seb, we are on the second floor, I don't really think there is anyone out there." I chuckled when I saw him check outside the windows.

"We shouldn't only be keeping our eyes with what could be 'just outside', my lady." Sebastiene smiled at me and his red eyes glowed. "Prevention is always better."

Sebastiene bowed before going out and closing the bathroom door after him.

'Just outside?' I thought to myself as I got inside the tub. 'What does he mean?'

I did not think more about what Sebastiene said and relaxed my body in the warm water and closed my eyes.


A few moment in peace and I could her sounds of tiny footsteps and felt a dark presence near me. There was a dark presence but I did not feel any killing intent towards me or anyone else, so I kept my eyes close but used my ability to scour my surroundings.

The dark presence came from the window and roamed around the bathroom before coming close to the bathtub. I kept my eyes closed and my breathing even as if I was sleeping. The presence came and just stared at me.

"How long do you plan to stay there watching me?" I asked when it was very close and lazily opened my eyes.