Red Cloud

"Stop right there, criminal scum!"

"He's a thief! Get him!"

"Somebody stop him!"

A commotion ensued at the wet market on the Southern Borough. The culprit, a thief clad in a peasant's clothes ran towards the direction of the Yang Bridge. He was so fast and so powerful that the burly seamen that tried blocking his way were sent tumbling backwards.

"What in the Goddess's green earth are you doing?! Don't run! You better compensate me and my wares!"

It was an understatement to say that the culprit was fast.

He was so swift that the seamen who wanted to have him compensate for the losses of the merchants whose wares he destroyed abruptly stopped on their tracks realizing that the man's speed didn't seem to be the speed of a human.

The only person pursuing the thief at this moment was Calvin.

Realizing that there was no member of the Cavaliers on the lookout in this area.