There was Nothing, Everything was Nothing

Once upon a time.

There was nothing.

So everything was nothing.

Then, with nothing...

A bang!

Came in...

A huge explosion.

Then suddenly, nothing became something.

Since nothing was everything, something became everything.

The Seven Gods and Goddesses came from nothing, so they were everything.

With their great power, they dotted nothingness with the twinkle of the stars.

Celestial bodies with unimaginable sizes materialized upon their whim.

Thus, the world was created.

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'What the fuck is this nonsense?' Calvin couldn't help but curse.

He flipped open the next page and the title of the page was...

The First Cataclysm.

"Oh, I heard Captain mention something about the First Cataclysm..." Calvin's interest was piqued.

His eyes were glued to the page as he started reading.