1 + 1 = 3

Charlotte was so embarrassed she wanted to find a hole to hide into.

Calvin stared at Cecilia with a deadpan look on his face, his lips repeatedly twitching. Charlotte momentarily glanced at Calvin for a moment and her embarrassment became even deeper. She said desperately to Cecilia, "Umm... Cecilia, we'll talk about getting you a brother in the future..."

Her patience was thick and her attitude was firm, "You have to listen, all right? Tonight, your daddy is tired. We'll go ahead and let him rest for now, okay?"

"No!" Cecilia pouted and doubled on her tantrum, "I want to sleep with both mommy and daddy! I want you both to sleep with me! I want daddy to hug me and fall asleep beside mommy! That's how all the kids in the neighborhood sleep with their parents!

Charlotte didn't know what to say, she felt as if she was on the verge of a mental breakdown.