

"Where can we find this Presto?"

Heisenberg mumbled.

"Isn't it obvious? That Presto guy is probably at the village where she lived."

"Yeah, that makes sense." Heisenberg agreed with what Ricardo had said.

"If we brought Presto over to you will you remove the curse that's haunting this village?" Calvin stared right at Freya's eyes.

"Curse...?" Freya looked confused, "Curse? I've never cursed anyone! In fact, I would never curse anyone!"

"All right, let me rephrase it—will you still forgive these villagers and move on after we bring you over Presto?" Calvin asked seriously.

"Forgive these villagers?" Freya's face distorted in anger, "You're asking me, to forgive these monsters? No! That's a deal-breaker, I would never forgive these monsters." Fortunately, she managed to control her anger once she was done with her spiel.