Chapter 3: An Angel, a Stray, and a Tiger

Eros made his way back to their literature class with Suiren in tow. He'd lied to her, a necessary lie he told himself. From the corner of his eyes he could see the apprehension dancing circles in her wide eyes. His conscience accused him of leading her to slaughter and at the same time excused him reasoning that since Suiren was part of the family, whatever happened, they needed to clear the air between them... that, and he actually wanted her to be part of the family on paper.


Suiren stumbled with contradictions of her own as she hoped Eros was right about avoiding Achilles but on the other hand wanted to see him again.

She eventually let her mind drift to thoughts of the past. Suiren thought back to where she was before meeting the Avenzzanos, she reminisced about when she first talked to Eros, when she'd met Achilles and their mom, and how they'd welcomed her into their family.


One evening in the spring of her 18th birthday Suiren had been making her way down towards the neighborhood park. Eyebrows knitted in frustration. Her group of delinquent friends had gotten bested and beaten by a man of myth, she'd gone home only to find Officer Terrence having an other fit of drunken rage and her mother stupidly and pointlessly trying to calm him down.

Suiren aggressively shoved her hands into the pocket of her hoodie. Everything at that time seemed pointless. She sighed, Suiren couldn't remember what life was like before Officer Terrence. Drunken beatings had been the norm since she was eight, however as the years continued she stopped watching Officer Terrence beat the living daylights out of her mother. She had opted for hiding or simply getting the hell out of the house unless she wanted her share of thrashes. That had been a lesson learned the hard way.

Suiren dug her fingernails into the palm of her hands swallowing down the knot lodged in her throat, suppressing the frustrated tears that threatened to spill. She let out a breath kicking a soda can she'd found along the way.

She kicked the soda can a step ahead of her.

"Bastard," she mumbled through gritted teeth as she gave the can one last hard kick.

She watched the can disappear behind some bushes.

"Ow! Hey!" She heard a voice behind the bushes cry out.

"Oh!" Suiren's expression softened raising her eyebrows in surprise realizing someone had taken the blunt of her angry kick. She hurried around the bushes to check on the stranger,

"I'm sor-" she began but trailed off as soon as she saw the boy she'd hit wasn't alone.

"How cute!" She squealed kneeling down to get a closer look at the tiny white puppy laying in a small cardboard box.

Anger and frustration proven to be no match for an adorable puppy and Suirens natural desire to protect the small and fluffy.

"Can you believe someone just left him here," he replied

Suiren looked over at the person she'd accidentally hit with the soda can. She slit her eyes scanning his face as he looked down at the puppy

"Hey! Don't we go to the same school?" She questioned recognizing the boy sitting on the wet grass next to her.

"Yes," he beamed, "you are Suiren." His matter of fact tone would've been irksome to her however that smile was hard to be annoyed with.

Suiren looked back at him frowning suspiciously. The corners of his mouth curled into an amused smile before letting out small chuckle.

"Don't make that face," he grinned, "we are in the same math class, have been since freshman year."

Suiren sank down into the grass, "Sorry I don't really talk to my classmates."

"I know," he shrugged," But! Don't sulk little kitten after all you did recognize me."

Suiren let a small gasp escape her slightly parted lips as she looked up at him. She knew most of her classmates stayed away from her because of the crowd she ran with and the way she dressed. Although her deep set eyes and delicate symmetrical features made her notably beautiful Suiren had kept everyone at arms length so she wasn't exactly among the "beautiful people" at school.

Year round she hid herself underneath oversized hoodies and combat boots; the piercings on her lip, eyebrow, and ears did her no favors. Despite being an honor student with an excellent record only the teachers who she'd been in class with, knew her true nature. And yet... there he was beaming at her with such ease as if the rumors of her delinquency and misdeeds had no affect on him whatsoever. There he was, carefree smile flashed just for her.

"You're like an angel," Suiren thought out loud

He shot her a curious sideways glance before his delicate thin lips broke into amused laughter his viridian eyes squinting as he laughed.

Suiren realized she'd spoken aloud and looked down abashed hugging her knees to her chest. "Ignore that," she whispered.

He sighed brushing back a few strands of his messy almond colored waves. "That, sweet Suiren, was almost too cute. My mom is the only one to ever call me an angel so I suppose it wasn't just a mothers love huh?" He replied with a small chuckle and flirtatious wink.

Suiren felt her cheeks glowing with heat, how could she let that slip! No people skills what so ever!

He smiled seeing her so embarrassed, he'd seen her around campus and in classes they had together for the past four years but never actually talked to her. If he would've known how cute that little delinquent could be he would've tried talking to her sooner. Somehow seeing her now up close he seriously doubted the rumors surrounding her delinquency although her appearance would suggest it.

"I was thinking of stopping at the pet store before heading home to get this little guy some food. Do you want to come with me?" He asked with a crooked smile.

As he stood up he realized the water from the grass had seeped through his jeans.

"Ah geez! My butts all wet!" Without a second thought he reached out and grabbed her arm to pull her up.

Suiren caught off guard slapped his hand away.

They looked at each other eyes wide. Suiren had felt Officer Terrence's grip but instead of blood shot eyes was staring square into a pair of wide eyes mirroring her own.

He had the habit of picking up stray animals and that look in her eyes was that of a nervous and frightened kitten. She'd scratched but wasn't aggressive. He squatted in front of her,

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you Suiren," He ran his long fingers through his hair not taking his eyes off of her. He continued, "I'm Eros your classmate, not a creep I promise. The grass will soak your bottom so I think you should join me on my trip to the pet store." His smile was pure angelic kindness, he held out his hand for her.

Suiren looked down at his hand and back into his inviting eyes, pale green without a trace of hazel. Kind of hypnotizing. She had overreacted, he was only trying help and she knew that. Suiren reached out to take his hand hesitantly. He grinned and snatched her hand pulling her up as he stood.

Another stray successfully saved!

Suiren tried to pull her hand away but he didn't let go.

"Your hands are cold," he pointed out grabbing hold of her other hand.

Suiren wanted desperately to pull her hands back, she was not comfortable with being touched. He cupped his hands around hers to warm them up.

"Umm, thank you," she began slipping her hands out of the warm cocoon he'd made out of his hands

"My hands are always cold," she added.

"I wonder why, mine are always warm," he answered picking up the puppy.

Suiren quickly shoved her hands in her pockets to conserve the heat he'd transmitted to them. She shrugged, "It's because I'm dead inside."

Eros gave her a wryly smile, "I suppose we'll have to bring you back to life."

He linked his arm with hers and began walking. "I am an angel after all, what's the point of being a celestial being if I can't even bring a cutie like you back to life?"

Eros looked down at Suirens blushing face giving her his best heavenly smile.

"You're teasing me," she frowned wrinkling her nose.

Eros unhooked his arm tapping her forehead with his index finger while he chuckled,"It was just so sweet and flattering." Eros looked at her from the corner of his eye. He sighed, if only this had happened sooner.

With only a couple of weeks left until the end of the school year he wouldn't be able to see her much. Eros saw no choice, he'd definitely bring the stray kitten home.

Eros had succeeded in bringing home an abandoned puppy and stray-kitten-like Suiren.

"Look Eros! He's eating," Suiren called him over.

He came into the living room, where Suiren was feeding the puppy, setting down two water bottles on the coffee table.

"Hey, You are actually pretty good at this," Eros said resting his chin on the crook of her shoulder looking down at the puppy in her lap.

Suiren was so absorbed in the puppy she didn't mind his overly familiar gesture. Locks of his almond hair tickled her cheek as they brushed against it.

"We're dog parents," Eros pretended to be choking back on tears.

Eros glanced at her from the corner of his eye to see her disapproving glare. He gave her an innocent smile in return.

Suiren laughed lightly shrugging him off, "You get away with a lot flashing people that dimple loaded smile doncha' ."

He chuckled putting up his hands while shrugging, "I don't know what you mean." He replied pleading innocence.

Suiren rolled her eyes with a grin. Eros sat next to her pleased at how quickly the nervous stray kitten had warmed up to him.

"You know what, it really only works on my mom," he chuckled mocking himself, "it just never gets me out of trouble with Achilles."

"Achilles?" Suiren looked up raising her eyebrows inquisitively.

"My older brother."

Suiren eyes widened as her lips spread into a wide smile

Eros chuckled, "what?" He questioned.

"Eros and Achilles! Your parents actually named you that" Suiren stated amused.

"Our mom has always loved world mythology, Greek being her favorite," Eros explained plainly and added, "I think Achilles got the better name though."

"I think Eros suits you," she replied. Suiren looked down at the puppy and added, "It seems well suited for an angel."

Eros felt his cheeks and ears warm, he leaned his elbow on the couch resting his cheek on his hand. He let out a breath and a small laugh, "I think you're teasing me now."

Suiren began to look around, no traces of things being thrown against the wall or empty liquor bottles laying around. Family pictures placed tastefully around the living room, Suiren couldn't help but feel hints of bitterness wishing she'd have something like that.

"So what about your parents?" She finally asked handing over the puppy. Eros watched her walk over to look at the pictures above the fireplace.

"My mom is a professor at the university and on a occasions works with the museum in the city and my dad passed away when I was ten."

"Oh sorry I asked... i was just curious," she replied.

"It's okay," Eros shrugged, "it's been a while and Achilles has kind of taken the roll of dad and brother it's cool but it can be annoying. he has two hobbies in his life beating up the neighborhood delinquents and giving lectures." Eros lifted the puppy to his eye level, "I can't wait to hear what he's going to say about you," he cooed at the puppy.

Suiren smiled setting down a picture. Slowly her smile faded her lips falling into a frown. "Eros, Achilles beats up delinquents?" She questioned

Eros set the puppy back into his lap looking over at Suiren noticing her sudden change of tone.

"Well sort of... yeah, he's all about scolding and lectures but he's trained in Muay Thai boxing so if they get physical he's got an upper hand," Eros smiled his happy eyes shimmering with pride as he spoke.

Achilles had a hand in raising him and annoying as the lectures got Eros always looked up to his brother.

Suiren on the other hand began to smile nervously, the corners of her mouth dropping and her eyebrows knitting in disbelief.

"What's wrong Ren?" Eros questioned seeing her so obviously distressed.

Suiren threw her arms in the air and shrugged, "Oh nothing," she answered sarcastically.

Eros looked back at her his eyebrows raised in confusion.

Suiren laughed at the irony of her own situation and added, "Just the possibility of your brother being thee Tiger Paws Achilles."

"And who are you?"

Suiren felt her throat run dry and heart stop beating as she turned slowly to look at the face behind that low deep voice asking to identify herself in such a demanding way. Messy amber waves and smokey dark eyes adorned a chiseled face. A small scar above his eyebrow the only detectable flaw on his almost impossibly symmetrical face.

Suiren swallowed hard leaving her lips parted looking straight into the intense gaze of a pair of stern eyes. "Oh shit," Suiren muttered.

His intense gaze switched to eyes glimmering with amusement as he flashed her a smile showing off his perfect canines.

A tiger no doubt.

"Oh shit is right," he raised his eyebrows in agreement. He turned to face his brother who was desperately trying to stuff the sleeping puppy behind the decorative pillows. "Knock it off Eros, I saw it already," he ordered pulling out a cigarette he had tucked behind his ear.

Suiren tried to stealthily make her way around him and toward the door.

"Ah-ah-ah!" Tiger Paws Achilles held on to the back of Suiren's hoodie gently pulling her back. "Sit down little lady," he ordered. With his deep commanding voice Suiren had no choice but to obey without retort. "Alright kiddos," Tiger Paws Achilles pulled out a lighter and lit his cigarette.

Suiren watched him inhale and exhale a cloud of smoke appearing around him.

"Achilles, mom is going to get pissed at you for smoking again," Eros warned.

He put his hand over the puppy's little wet nose and his other hand over Suiren's nose and mouth. Panic struck her as she saw his hand coming, she quickly grabbed on to his arm.

"Second hand smoking is worse than first hand smoking," Eros explained calmly remembering she was kind of jumpy with contact.

Achilles watched curiously raising an eyebrow gauging her reactions. He put out his cigarette. "Never mind that. Explain, Eros, did I not tell you to stop bringing home strays?" Achilles eyes shifted towards Suiren, his eyes like a tiger staking his pray.

"Ren is not a stray, we're classmates." Eros answered in a matter-of-fact tone although he'd thought of her as a stray from the beginning as well.

"Ren?" Achilles questioned

"Suiren," she answered, "aaand thank you for your hospitality but I should get going." Suiren got up and tried to walk away yet again. This time she felt a warm heavy paw curl around her wrist stopping her.

A tiger pouncing on his prey.

She looked down at his hand and shot him daggers with her eyes. Ignoring the look on her face he raised her sleeve exposing the blue bandana tied around her wrist. Achilles lips curled in satisfying victory.

"Lo sabia, i knew you had ties with those delinquents."

"Suiren isn't like them," Eros stood up in defense. The puppy stirred in his arms.

Suiren tried to worm and wiggle her arm out of the tigers grip but he wouldn't budge, in fact Achilles hardly acknowledged the fact she was trying to get away. He sighed and finally turned his gaze to the still struggling Suiren. The intensity of his gaze made her stay still.

"Niña I'm sure you know I had a... chat with your friends-"

Suiren cut him off, "Listen Tiger Paws I'm just a high school student." She tried to pull her wrist back but he kept his grip tight with care not to squeeze too hard.

"Don't ruin whats left of your high school career by hanging out with the wrong crowd. Focus, study, work hard. Those kinds of people are only going to lead you to trouble, some of them were my classmates in high school, they have nothing going for them." Achilles began to scold her while untying the bandanna from her wrist. His fingertips were warm against her skin.

Achilles raised his eyes to meet her gaze. The warm glow of her blushing cheeks, eyes wide with surprise, two warm drops of dark honey. The obvious traces of innocence in her reaction made his stomach lurch. The feeling caught him off guard, sure she was cute but not in any conventional ways.

A skinny, curve-less body underneath baggy black clothing. Unattractive red streaks in an unflattering blonde hue covering her natural hair, those piercings seemed miss placed in her otherwise delicate, pleasant features.

However the way she stood there wide eyed staring back at him, stiff and trembling, reminded him of a small bunny his parents had bought him when he was little.

Achilles let out a small breath of defeat before taking the bandanna off. She was a cutie despite the self inflicted set backs. With the thought of his childhood pet his instinct was suddenly to provide protection.

He watched as she held her wrist rubbing the spot the bandanna has been. Her lively eyes suddenly narrowing in suspicious thought as she pressed her fleshy lips together.

"What's with that scowl little lady?" Achilles asked suppressing the urge to caress her still blushing cheek. Even through that glaring face Achilles saw her obvious signs of uneasiness, her fingers curled into firsts she couldn't stop cracking her knuckles.

"Why are you bothering with me anyways? I was just going to go home," she questioned looking down at the wooden floor.

"Simple," he answered with a casual shrug

Suiren didn't lift her head only her eyes looking at Achilles through dark eyelashes.

Achilles continued, "it would be irresponsible for me as a citizen to allow little brats like you to terrorize our neighborhood. Now don't ever let me catch you wearing this crap around your wrist again." Achilles flashed her a grin and she suddenly hated the fluttering of butterflies as they swarmed the inside of her stomach.

"Both of you wash your hands mom's coming home late so you're helping me with dinner." He informed them leaving no room for protest.

Suiren wanted to run but somehow she couldn't. There was no choice but to obey. He had a feel about him, like a predator staring in the eyes of its cornered prey. All exits blocked, no where to run.

Without a doubt, he was a tiger