The "Broken" Hero

Anne has been in and out of the hospital seen she was seven, but there is a specific reason on why. The child had been growing weaker, and weaker as the days went by, since that age, the doctors had told her parents that she had very limited time to live. Fortunate for them, the doctor could trace how long her life span would be. By a watch. A very special watch, that was able to connect to her heart, counting how many heart beats she will have until her last, it told them the exact amount of time right down to the second. She had exactly "9 years, 2 months, 3 minutes, and 29 seconds" of her life left. That means she will pass at 16.

The weight of the situation never dawned on the family, for the parents wanted their child to live life to the fullest. And the child never took a second thought about it, it was always on the back of her mind, she didn't even take a single glance at the watch around her wrist. Who would want to know exactly when their going to die, right?


When the child turned to teen, the more she focus on the fact that they are going to die soon. It keep her awake at night. It made her question. Question if everything she has, everything she cared about, everyone she cares about were important. She didn't know if she should think that they were important.


One day, when her final day grow closer, the teen had gotten a letter, an application letter?. But not for just anything. No. This was for a school, a school for people with powers, people similar to their self. Dhe were ecstatic.

Once she had settled into the school, she had made a ton of friends, all with different powers.


They, her and her friends, had been sent out on a dangerous mission. A life threatening. Her closest friend, who had been assumed to be powerless, had recklessly jumped straight into the battle without a care. She couldn't let him do that. She jumped right after him, grabbing him by the arm, while they were in mid-air, and whispered to him having a hand on his shoulder "take care of the others, I'll see you in a bit" he was confused, then even more so once the teen had tossed him back to the building they had both jumped off.

The boy landed with a groan, he looked up to see his best friend diving straight at the monster they were fighting. She had found the weak spot, and she was using his power to defend it. He screamed at her-but she couldn't hear him.

He and the girl's collection of friends, ran up to her, finding her standing in the debris, the girl held an arm to her stomach. Clenching in pain. "Anne?! Anne!!", She turned to find her friend, wind blown hair and all, out of breath with a lopsided smile on his face. They ran to eachother, to a welcoming embrace they only did for eachother. Cause knew that both of them needed one. Breaking away from the embrace, she found her friend in tears, happy tears, but it still hurt the same. He had worried-worried that this mission was going to be her last time on earth. That only was leading up to it.

Anne crimpled to her knees in pain, grabbing her side and holding onto it for dear life, thinking that it would subside the pain she felt. It didn't. "Anne!" The boy yelled, causing his throat to burn, he wrapped his arm around his dear friend. "Anne!?" "Anne?!?!," "Are you okay?!" The girl looked up at the dark haired boy, tears streaming down his face, she attempted to say something but she ended up in a coughing fit. She covered her mouth as she continued to cough, her eyes griping close. Once her coughs had disappeared, her throat feeling sore, she felt liquid stick to the palm of her hand. It was blood.

Her eyes widened, as she stared at the liquid in her hand. "Anne?.." the boy's voice wavered, seeing a friend cough up blood would leave even the strongest person shakened. The girl stared into the boy's emerald eyes, beginning to chuckle. And that chuckle turned into full on laughter. But it was a hollow laugh, she found laughing at something so bitter made the stress she felt disappear.

"Anne! Have gone mad?!" The dark haired boy questioned, "guys! We need to bring Anne to the medical ware! And fast!".


The brunette was rushed to the emergency section in the medical ware, her friends were pushed to the side and told to stay in the waiting room that they " would get to see her after the doctors and nurses find out what going on"


The doctors couldn't find anything, because there was nothing to find. Anne was left in an individual patient room, while the doctors and nurses talked with her friends. "What do you mean you can't find anything?! She was hacking up blood for god sakes!" The dark haired boy yelled, his blood boiling with anger "sir calm down, we did an x-ray and ran a scope down through her esophagus to her lungs as well as search her for any injuries. We couldn't find any reason for her to be coughing up blood nor any injuries at all". "That impossible!" Another one of Anne's friends chimed in " there has to be a reason!" He continued, "we know, we're doing all we can to help Ms. Collins".

"Can we go see her?" A pink haired girl, another one of Anne's friends, asked " yes you may, we were playing on having one of the nurses check up on her after we talked" a nurse with golden blonde hair said "wait-so that means you left her alone?!", "Yes is there a problem with-" "Anne can not be left alone! Not when she's like this," the dark haired boy yelled "she'll do something crazy!".


The girl's friends and blonde haired nurse, sprinted towards Anne's room.

But when they got there, they found it empty. With the window wide open, there was no rope from the window seal. So she must of jumped. They all crowded around the window to see Anne, the girl who was just hacking up blood and rushed to the emergency room not so long ago, sitting in a field of dandelions staring up at the sun. Like a beacon that would guide her to safety. The people staring down at her, her friends and the nurse, began to jump out the window as well. The dark haired boy, her best friend, was the first to do so.

Anne could hear their foot steps, running at her and all their voices screaming at her. But she didn't listen. She stood and turn to their direction, giving them a warm smile. Blood dripping from her lips. The boy stop in his tracks, and the others followed suit.

The girl brought her watch up to her view, watching as the final numbers ticked down. Until it hit zero. She felt a sharp pain hit lungs, it soon spreading to her whole body. She wrapped her opposite hand around the watch, " I don't need you anymore..." She said as she rid the watch from her wrist, throwing it to the side. She sat there and waited, waited for death to sweep her into their arms and take her away. Nothing happen.




"Ah?!" She down the watch, taking it back into her hands, "it has resent itself?" She muttered to herself. "What are you going on about Anne?!" The dark haired boy yelled at her, "just a second ago you were in the er and spitting up blood! Now your sitting in a field talking about some watch! I don't understand!" He continued. "Then let me explain..." "what?" "I said let me explain, you want to know don't you?" "Yes", "*sigh* then come sit, I'll explain everything...".


She told them everything, like she said she would, she told about the real meaning of the watch, she told about how she was supposed to pass right about now. "Why didn't you tell us before?!" "You've treated me differently" "no we wouldn't-", "yes you would!" Anne screamed " would've walked on thin ice around me, you've made a effort to avoid any talk of death with me..." she lowered her voice.

"It's happened before, at the school I was at before this one..."


"but you know what?,"the others stayed silent, "I'm not afraid of dying I've avoid it for so long, to live my life to the fullest y'know? But I've only recently accepted that I'm going to die...that I won't get to graduate or fall in love or have a wedding, or especially see my kids and grandkids grow up..."

"But it's funny,"

"Anne you really don't have to-" Anne's Brunette friend tried to say. "I thought all my life that I was going to die young, that my life was planned. But I'm still sitting in front of you, breathing, alive and I can't wrap my head around that...that I'm going to live to see more things...that I'm not going to die today...right before your very eyes". Her friends surrounded her, covering her in warmth and comfort.

"Um excuse?" The nurse that followed them piped in, " I may know why...why you didn't pass". The dark haired boy gave Anne a wary look, not knowing if they should hear what the woman had to say. He did just find out his best friend was supposed to be die. "Okay, let's hear it doc" the girl said, giving her best friend a reassuring look.

"As you already know, this watch of yours tells you how long you had to live"


"Well I think that every few years it resets, explaining why you are still here with us"

"But why does it reset?" The dark haired boy questioned. "Well I believe it has to do with the fact, that after we die our souls get put in a new vessel. But in Anne's instance, get revived back into her body every few years instead of a different one."

"But how do you know this is true?!," The boy, with the power of explosives, yelled "for all we know those doctors that told her she had so little time to live, were lying! And we're the ones trying to kill her in the first place?! Huh?!" He continued. "That's why I was planning on investigating Anne's situation more, that's if you want to Anne?" The nurse said.



















"Let's do it..."