45- Tentative Approval

Scott gave him one more quick kiss in thanks before leaving and letting him get back to work. The customer was unimpressed, and once the "alpha" was gone, started throwing in snide comments about omegas being whipped and how workplaces shouldn't have to make accommodations for them since it inconvenienced the general public.

Ryan let the comments roll off on him, with smiles and apologies. It was all stuff he'd heard before. Any other day, it might have gotten to him, not that he was allowed to defend himself on the clock, but he wasn't going to let it get to him today. Not right now. Right now, he felt like he was finally able to repay some of Scott's kindness. He'd had several kisses, and a long hug, and there was a candy bar waiting for him. He had a key to his fiance's apartment, and was looking forward to sleeping in a bed a thousand times comfortable than his own, and a hot meal with the person he loved. The opinion of this one insignificant patron couldn't matter less.


Scott came home to find all the lights out. Ryan's bag with his change of clothes sat on the counter. He'd gotten the text a few hours ago that Ryan had made it in safely. He felt a little selfish, asking his fiance to so drastically change his routine for him, but he needed some cuddle time badly. He quietly turned on a few lights and set the pizza he'd gotten for dinner on the table before making his way back to the bedroom.

Ryan was bundled up in the covers, sleeping soundly. His hair was unbound and hung in his face. Scott almost hated to wake him. He brushed Ryan's hair aside and leaned in to kiss his fiance's forehead.

"Hey, Hot Stuff, want some dinner?" He asked softly.

Ryan stirred and peeked his eyes open. "Cuddle Bug...?" He replied sleepily, "Welcome home… How was work...?" He stretched, groaning.

"It went much better after I got to see you."

"I'm glad..." Ryan sat up with a yawn and another stretch. He sniffed experimentally. "Pizza?"

Before moving to the kitchen to eat, Scott helped Ryan brush his hair out and braid it back. Ryan admitted he was so tired by the time he'd gotten here, he'd pretty much fallen into bed as soon as he got out of the shower.

As they ate, they both talked about their day. Ryan left out the customer commentary from earlier. It wouldn't serve any purpose except maybe to upset Scott. The rest of his shift hadn't been too bad after what happened. At least the management didn't fuss at him more than they already had, anyway.

Scott related how normal the rest of his day was, and that he was glad what happened that morning was the only thing that seemed to have gone wrong. He made sure to reiterate again how much getting to see Ryan afterward helped, and how grateful he was that Ryan was spending his precious spare time with him today. Tired as he was, knowing he was apparently doing something right made Ryan all tingly inside.

After dinner, Scott packed up the leftovers and promised to send them with Ryan for his lunch break tonight. Ryan was already looking forward to something better than his plain peanut butter sandwich. Ryan was also keen to get a little more sleep before he had to go to work, but he waited to see what kind of cues Scott would give. He didn't particularly feel up for sex, but it wouldn't be the first time he'd had to fake it. Not with Scott mind you, but it wouldn't be a first.

"What time do you have to leave for work?" Scott asked, dimming the lights and leading Ryan to the couch.

"Probably eleven thirty if you're going to drive me. Are you sure you're going to be okay though? I can probably call out."

"Will you let me give you the wages you'll miss to make up for it?"

"Of course not!"

Scott rearranged the pillows before laying down, pulling Ryan on top of him. A little shuffling and they were comfortably snuggled together, Ryan's face pillowed on Scott's chest. Scott pulled the blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over them. He sighed in delight. This was definitely the best feeling in the world. He needed this sooo badly.

"Hot Stuff, I know your budget's tight. I wish you'd let me help. I want to do more than just pay for your transportation." Scott started petting Ryan's hair as he half-heartedly searched for a movie to put on.

"I promise I'm okay, Cuddle Bug." Ryan stifled a yawn. "Besides, I really want to pay my own way, at least until we're living together as mates. Call it a pride thing."

In that moment Scott couldn't help but think that catering to his fiance's pride was going to end up giving him heart palpitations from the stress. Could he put his foot down as an alpha and demand Ryan accept assistance? Or would that push him away? In less than two months, Ryan's heat would come and they would be mates. In almost three they'd be living together. He could wait, couldn't he?

"Why not play one of your video games...?" Ryan mumbled sleepily. "I won't mind... I think I'm about to pass out..."

Scott gave him a squeeze. "Don't feel like you have to entertain me, go back to sleep if you're still tired. I've got an alarm set."

"Me too..."

The speed at which Ryan was softly snoring was nothing short of amazing. Scott double checked the alarm on his phone. He started a game like Ryan had suggested, but he wasn't really feeling it. A little more than an hour in, he decided to do a little napping himself. It wasn't often he had the perfect blanket, after all. He had to make the most of it.


They were quiet as they pulled up to the employee entrance at the FedEx warehouse. Scott was feeling a tiny bit better for having slept a little, but his body didn't appreciate the change in its circadian rhythm. He had just a little bit of a headache trying to start. There was someone standing just outside the door. Scott could have sworn he'd seen them somewhere before.

"Oh, good! Mick must have gotten my text!" Ryan exclaimed with relief. "He's been nagging at me to meet you."

Scott smiled warmly. "He's the friend you're always talking about? The other omega?"

"Yeah. He's been wanting to see you in person since we started dating, but there hasn't really been any convenient time with schedules and all."

Scott smoothed his hair back. First impressions matter. "Any friend of yours is a friend of mine."

Before they could get out of the car, Michael had closed half the distance between them. Scott was taken aback. He'd only seen this person in pictures before, and he seemed like an easy-going guy. That was not the personality of the person coming his way. This person was business-like and serious. Somewhat shorter than he was expecting, but it was impressive that his vibrant attire didn't detract at all from the fact that Scott felt he was being sized up in every way imaginable.

"So. You're Dr. Perfect, huh?" Michael stopped just in front of him, stressing Scott's title, his voice cool, but not condescending, with one eyebrow raised. "Dr. Video Game Enthusiast?"

"Dr. Scott Kranston." Scott introduced himself, holding out his hand, exuding professionalism. "You must be Mick. Ryan's told me some about you."

"Michael." He corrected firmly before shaking the offered hand.

Ryan could practically cut the tension with a knife. He expected this a little, his friend tended to be kind of a protective type, after all. He just wished he'd sent that Scott had had a rough day in that text earlier.

"Michael." Scott confirmed, correcting himself. "Sorry about that. I've only ever heard Ryan use your nickname."

You could almost see Michael relax a little. Almost. He gave Scott another once-over. He finally said, "I guess you pass."

Ryan quietly let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. He moved to stand next to Scott, taking his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Alright, bro. I met your man. Now, if we don't go clock in, we're going to be late. Tea and cookies will have to wait for later." Michael said flatly.

Ryan nodded, and gave Scott a slightly lingering hug and kiss goodbye, with double thanks for the ride and the food, and a promise to call in the morning when he got off.

Ryan turned to make his way to the building. Michael hung back just long enough for Ryan to get out of earshot before whispering to Scott sharply, index finger pointed up in his face and everything, "If you ever even think about mistreating him, you answer to me."