48- Voyeuristic Shenanigans

They'd planned on this voyeuristic activity ahead of time, and Scott had a little "go kit" in his pocket. He was getting a little stiff just thinking about it.

By the time they'd reached their destination, the sunset was in full swing. Ryan was captivated. He allowed Scott to lead him to the spot he had in mind, mesmerized by the motion and sound of the waves with their vibrant backdrop. They were surrounded by rock on three sides, the rock facing the water being just low enough to lean against without sacrificing the view.

While the rocks, which had been in the sun all day had retained a little bit of heat, the sand that stood in their shadow did not. Ryan suppressed a shiver. Maybe he should have worn his shoes after all...

"Is this spot okay with you, Hot Stuff?"

Ryan glanced around, apprehensive. If someone was coming you could see them from a mile away, but for the most part, it seemed pretty safe. To celebrate Scott's birthday, he'd promised to keep an open mind to giving some of his fantasies a try. Who knows? He might find something he's in to. "Geese" was available for use at any time. This one was almost a little exciting, if it wasn't for how cold it was.

Ryan nodded, leaning against the rock and letting Scott take the lead.

Scott leaned against him, wrapping his arms around Ryan's midsection, taking in his favorite smell in the whole world mixed with the salt air. After a few moments of gentle cuddling, he started swaying his hips slowly, enjoying the feel of their pants sliding against each other. At this point, Ryan was happy for the wind break. Scott's body was nice and warm.

It escalated from there, Scott's hands slipping under Ryan's shirt, and deftly undoing his pants button and zipper. One hand went down, the other going up, all with the goal of fondling enough to get Ryan to relax so they could get on to the main event.

Ryan was trying to focus, he really was, and Scott had a really expert hand game, but every now and then the wind twisted its way into their little crevice, and it wasn't a pleasant feeling considering his abdomen was exposed. It made him tense up every time. He tried not to let his teeth chatter.

A brief lapse in concentration let slip an unsexy kind of shiver, which Scott noticed, because of course he did. It led to Ryan having to admit that he was cold, but he insisted that he didn't want to stop. Instead, they changed tactics. Scott zipped both of them up in his jacket to better conserve body heat. It was a little tight, and Ryan was worried about stretching the garment out, but it proved to be an effective solution.

Only after Ryan got warm again did they continue. It was cramped and awkward, but they both had a stubborn determination to make this happen. Down went the pants, just low enough to get to everything important. The sun was just now touching the horizon. Ryan started grinding, sliding Scott's penis between his ass cheeks. It didn't take Scott long at all to synch up his own movements.

It felt good, but it wasn't enough.

Scott managed to dig the condom out of his pocket somehow, but in the tragedy of all tragedies, when he tried to put it on, it slipped out of his fingers and fell to the sand. Ryan looked back at him, then between him and the now sandy condom at their feet.

"Well, fuck." Scott said, voice and expression completely deadpan. "I only brought one of those out here."

Ryan couldn't help it. It started as a giggle, then erupted in to full blown laughter. It took him a second, but Scott joined in too. Then Ryan stubbed his toe against the rock, and after Scott was done making sure he was okay, they had a laugh about that too. This wasn't working. There was no way this was going to go down like they planned. It didn't mean they were ready to give up on the idea entirely, it was just time to get a little more creative.

Scott had Ryan close his legs tight, and resumed his gentle thrusting, sliding in and out between Ryan's thighs. They'd considered going without the condom, but Ryan didn't want to walk back with Scott's goop dripping out of him.

Ryan wasn't getting much out of it. His balls felt squished, and Scott wasn't rubbing up against anything particularly sensitive. And, while Scott was still putting his hands to good use, Ryan's never been able to cum just by stimulating the front.

Scott, on the other hand, was enjoying this very much. He held Ryan close and nibbled his ear. Little sounds escaped with each thrust as he got closer and closer to his climax., He was just having a hard time crossing the threshold.

Ryan played along, responding to Scott's quiet noises with his own, but the sun was pretty much set by now, and they were running out of light. This was fun, and Scott's body was practically a heater at this point, but his exposed skin, especially his feet, were cold. He wanted Scott to have his happy ending, but it was time to wrap this up. The hotel had more condoms. And air conditioning.

"Cuddle Bug, let go of my dick a second." Ryan whispered. He still wasn't sure if or when someone might walk by.

"Something wrong?" Scott obliged, moving his touchy feely fingers up to his fiance's chest.

"Just something you need to see." Ryan teased.

He pushed them back from the rock a little, and lifted the hem of Scott's jacket out of the way Scott had his head craned over his shoulder, trying to see what he was doing, still grinding softly.

It took a little force to get past his half-erection, but he was able to get a steady urine stream going, soaking the rock, and forming a puddle at the base that was rapidly being absorbed by the sand. Imperceptibly, Scott got just a little bit harder.

"Damn!" Scott moaned quietly, "Happy birthday to me!"

Scott was thrusting in earnest before Ryan was even done. It wasn't long after that he was biting Ryan's collar, panting, and his load was sliding down the rock to mingle with Ryan's urine.

Ryan waited patiently for Scott to catch his breath. It was certainly a handy trick, even if he didn't get his own excitement out of it. Though, it was a shame he could only use it in certain places. He didn't even mind that he wasn't able to get off, he just wanted to get back to where it was warm.

When Scott finally calmed down, there was some awkward moonlight shuffling to get themselves set to rights again. Scott brought a small packet of wipes, which were super cold by now, but tolerated none the less. Those, and the poor sandy condom, went into a small plastic bag that was brought just for the purpose of trash containment. They kicked some sand over their mess, there wasn't much else they could do about that. Ryan was happy to pull his pants up, and was trying to hide his shivering. He blew hot breaths into his hands, and scrunched his toes in the sand trying to get his blood to circulate.

It didn't take much pressing for Scott to get the gist of the situation. With the sexy stuff out of the way, Ryan admitted fairly easily that his feet had gone numb. This triggered an exceeding fussy alpha, who lifted him up on to the rock they just fucked against to brush the worst of the sand off and try to rub some life back in to his feet. He was being admonished all the while, but there was no bite to it. All he had to ask was if Scott enjoyed what they just did, and he got a slightly grumbly agreement.

Scott put Ryan's socks and shoes on him, stating that no complaints would work this time. He then turned around and told Ryan to hop down on to his back, because he wasn't going to make him walk all that way with sand in his socks. Ryan complied without complaint, snuggling against Scott's wide shoulders graciously as they made their way back to the hotel.

A few gentle kisses on the cheek brought the mood back. They discussed maybe trying something like this again sometime, when it wasn't so cold. Then, there was the worry that they'd be caught since more people would be out. Then, Scott came up with this grand scheme of renting a private beach, somewhere in the Bahamas where it was warm all the time. Then, they could do whatever they wanted.

Ryan listened with a smile. To him, a vacation like that was a pipe dream. It wasn't something a person who had to work three jobs would get to do. Then Scott started talking about honeymoons, and how some things were so much more affordable in the off-season, and Ryan just had to hold him a little bit tighter.

Life was going to get better.