51- Birthday Presents

Once they were finally back at the hotel, things were in danger of getting as steamy as their engagement night, when Ryan put a sudden abrupt pause on their tongue wrestling.

"I almost forgot to give you your birthday present!" He exclaimed, running to his suitcase to dig around. He came back with a slightly smashed gift bag, which had been stapled shut across the top. "It's nothing fancy, but it was my first time trying something like this. I couldn't really afford any merch that would make a good present, so I found a tutorial to make something, and... well... It's okay if you don't like it..."

Scott's heart fluttered. Handmade? Ryan handmade a gift? He gently opened the staples with great reverence, and pulled out a yellow fleece pillow. The design on it was unmistakable, if a little rough, stitched on with a slightly darker yellow fabric.

"It's a question block," Ryan continued talking, "you know, from that one game series you like... The most I've ever sewed before is a button, and the stitches are really uneven, and I know you said Nintendo stuff was okay, so I hope this is okay, and if you'd really prefer something store bought I can save up my money some more-"

Scott took Ryan's hand, giving it a good squeeze, and holding his present to his chest tightly with the other. His eyes sparkled. It was the most thoughtful gift anyone had ever given him.

"I love it." Scott had all kind of fuzzy emotions bubbling around. "What could possibly be better than a present you handmade just for me? I know exactly where I want to put it, too! I'll keep it on my office couch, it'll be perfect there!"

Relief swept Ryan's face. "You really like it?"

Scott moved in close once more, determined to express his own gratitude. "You put a lot of work into this, how could I not?"

Before Scott could reinitiate their previous activity, Ryan stopped him again.

"There's a part two to your gift." He said a little shyly.

Scott was ordered to turn around and not peek as Ryan dug through his bag again before running to the bathroom to change. He waited with anticipation as he heard clothing hit the floor, accompanied by a soft metallic jingling. And, he waited some more.

He almost asked if everything was okay in there, when the door cracked open and Ryan eased his head out. He was wearing a cheap pair of black cat ears.

"Your birthday's in October, so it has to be a costume party, right?" Ryan stayed mostly hidden. "Put your crown back on."

Scott liked where this was going, and dutifully obeyed. Ryan slid out little by little. He was shirtless, and he'd clipped a bell to his front collar lacings. There was a peek of red on his hips. Scott really liked where this was going. "Little Scott" did too. Then Ryan stepped out of the bathroom awkwardly, revealing a slinky red lace thong that barely contained everything. The bell jingled as he did a little twirl, revealing a tiny black tail that was stitched to the back with the same yellow thread he'd used on the pillow.

"Well...?" Ryan asked uncertainly. "What do you think...?"

Scott growled deeply, making a beckoning motion with his finger.

"Hellooo kitty!"

"Your majesty." Ryan obeyed, playing it up. He straddled Scott's lap, the bell jingling with his movements. "Your humble subject awaits your command."

"Before we go much further, I believe I am in need of new clothing. Clothing fit for an emperor. Care to assist?"

The reference went completely over Ryan's head. He stared at Scott in confusion.

"Did... Did you bring more costume stuff...?"

Scott chuckled. "I'll explain it later. In the meantime, I'm wearing much too much clothing for this. And," he lowered his voice, "I think I'm in need of a little something extra sweet to top off this perfect day."

Scott kissed him, then motioned to be let up. Ryan watched him strip, taking in Scott's broad back and fluffy chest. It was a sight he was sure he'd never tire of. Everything about his fiance was impressive. Ryan's skimpy underwear was doing a very poor job at keeping everything contained now, as his body was building up anticipation.

Before returning to the bed, Scott got the whipped cream and chocolate sauce he'd brought from where it was stashed in the mini fridge. This was something he'd wanted to try out of curiosity for a little while. It being his birthday was as good of an excuse as any.

"Somebody's up already! Is my Hot Stuff a horny little kitty cat?" Scott joked, noticing Ryan's member peeking out of his waistband.

"Only for you, your majesty. Though, you're not much better." Ryan eyed Scott's almost-erection before having his attention drawn to what he had in his hands. "I was wondering when you'd get those out! How do you want to do this?"

Scott put whipped cream on his finger and held it out for Ryan to lick. Ryan very eagerly obliged, sucking it clean and running his tongue over the webbing between Scott's fingers, maintaining eye contact the whole time.

"Good kitty," Scott purred. This was already a little more exciting than he thought it was going to be. "Now, it's my turn."

He sat behind Ryan on the bed, whispering in Ryan's ear, "Try closing your eyes..."

Ryan was more than a little hesitant. Not being able to see during sex had never led to good experiences for him. He really wanted to keep playing this game, though. Scott had never hurt him. It would be okay, right? I mean, Scott knew he didn't like blindfolds, so this was a compromise, right? He closed his eyes just far enough to still be able to see through his lashes. He couldn't help but tense just a little.

He heard the POP of a cap, and assumed it was the chocolate sauce. He could feel the bed shifting as Scott must have repositioned himself behind him. Then suddenly there was COLD on his shoulder, making him jump a little, his bell jingling. The cold was replaced very quickly by WARM and WET, with puffs of warm air as Scott licked it off. Ryan muffled the sound he made behind his hand. Maybe this wasn't so bad...

Scott was emboldened by Ryan's reaction. He took the hand Ryan used to muffle his mouth, and squirted a line of whipped cream down the wrist, taking his time in cleaning it off. Ryan trembled against his chest with each swipe of his tongue, making some very cute noises. Scott needed more. He may have forgotten birthday cake, but he had a treat a hundred times sweeter in front of him.

With the wrist now clean, Scott swung around to straddle Ryan's lap, and teased his mouth with the whipped cream nozzle. Once his lips parted, he squirted some inside Ryan's mouth before initiating a kiss. He very gently laid Ryan down on the mattress as they shared the cream. Neither of them really noticed his crown falling off and rolling off the bed.

Ryan's eyes fluttered open when Scott broke the kiss. Scott was leaning over him, licking his lips. "Do I taste that good?"

"Sinfully delicious."

The original plan was going to be to take turns. If Scott was honest with himself though, he was a very hairy man. Long body hair wasn't exactly conducive to their current activity. And, he had a feeling Ryan would disown him if he even suggested shaving his chest hair. Ryan didn't have nearly as much body hair, and his was much shorter. Besides, Ryan was throwing out some adorable reactions. Scott grabbed the chocolate sauce bottle, and Ryan dutifully shut his eyes again, with a little less fear than the first time.

Scott took great care in choosing where to strike each time. Near the underarm, sternum, belly button, nipples, v-lines, Ryan practically writhed in pleasure with each application. It made Scott feel like a powerful alpha, knowing he was capable of doing this to his omega. Okay, so Ryan wasn't his yet, but he may as well be. In the meantime, this dirty kitty needed a thorough tongue bath.

Ryan delighted in the COLD followed by WARM and the surprise of where such an amazing sensation was going to occur next. This was an entirely new side of sex he'd never experienced before. The occasional chocolate or cream flavored kisses were, if anything, icing on the cake. He let himself get swept up in it.

There was one nagging thought that almost made Ryan feel a little guilty. It was Scott's birthday, so he should be the one on the receiving end of something like this, right? But, Scott was the one who initiated this, so it was okay, wasn't it? Oh, this had no right feeling so good! Enjoying it a little longer couldn't hurt...