81- Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Scott delighted in the way Ryan's hair twisted around his fingers. It's been a little over a month since they went to get it cut and it had since grown in quite nicely. It even covered Ryan's scar if you could get it to lay right, but Scott wasn't too worried about that. Ryan had been absolutely adorable with long hair, but with short hair?

In Scott's opinion, Ryan with short hair was absolutely stunning!

"Do you really like playing with my hair all that much?" Ryan asked with a laugh.

"I could stop, if it's bothering you?" Scott suggested.

"Please don't, it actually feels really nice…"

They'd finally gotten back home after a busy morning out, and Scott had gotten himself distracted getting Ryan set up on the couch. The day started off by going out to breakfast before Ryan's psychiatry appointment. They'd managed to get Ryan set up for weekly visits for the time being, and Scott could tell it was going some good. Without breaking the confidentiality, both he and the therapist were able to come up with a treatment plan that seemed to be working, consisting of limiting news consumption, making sure to leave the apartment at least every two days, and giving Ryan as much autonomy as possible. He still had bad days, but there was progress.

This morning had started off a little sour, for example. The city got its first big snowfall last night, and with the change in the weather Ryan hadn't slept well because it made his injuries ache. Of course he didn't want to wake Scott up to ask for pain medication, so instead he woke up sore and irritable.

After he was properly medicated and had a chance to move around a little he was fine though.

They'd even stopped in the park on the way home to watch people playing in the snow. A huge snowball war had broken out between two groups of kids which was plenty of fun to watch, and everywhere there were patches of undisturbed snow, couples were building snowmen. Scott even built a little one so he and Ryan could join in on the fun, taking care to never leave Ryan out of his line of sight. A pair of twigs broken off of a nearby tree served as arms, and let Ryan help with the project since he could stick the branches in the snowman without getting his casts wet. Scott made sure to take plenty of pictures of the two of them and their first snowman, and he couldn't wait to get them printed out.

Overall, Ryan had seemed like he was in very high spirits the past few days. His casts came off in a little over a week. Forget the fact that Christmas was coming in just a few days, or even that they'd finally been given a court date for the assault case, the casts coming off were by far what Ryan was most excited about.

"Eight and a half days," Ryan sighed contentedly. "Eight and a half days and I'll finally have my freedom back!"

"Now, don't expect to be able to walk out of the doctor's office, Hot Stuff." Scott leaned over just far enough to kiss Ryan's forehead before moving to sit next to Ryan on the couch, lifting Ryan's legs gently to put them in his lap. "You've got a lot of work in physical therapy coming your way."

"I know, I know." Ryan wasn't about to let that spoil his excitement. "I know there's a lot of things I'll have to work hard at to be able to do again, but there's so much I'll be able to do once these damned casts come off!"

"Oh? Like what?" Scott humored him.

"Well, for starters, I'll get to wear my ring again!"

Scott couldn't help but grin. "And, what else?"

"And I'll get to sleep in whatever position I want, and I'll get to brush my own teeth, and eat with my right hand, and hold a video game controller the right way, and wash my body by myself…"

"Aww, but I like washing you in the shower…"

Ryan stuck his tongue out at him. "Fine, then I'll get to wipe my own ass in the bathroom!" he laughed.

Scott couldn't help but chuckle at that too.

"And most of all," Ryan added wistfully, "we'll get to have sex again… I've heard you in the bathroom, and at night sometimes after you think I fell asleep. I can't wait to make you feel good! It's the least I can do to start paying you back!"

"Now Hot Stuff, you know I would never take advantage of you like that. You don't have to pay me back for a single thing I've done. If anything, seeing you get a little better each day is payment enough! And I'll be there with you every step of the way with physical therapy too!"

"But Cuddle Bug, what if I actually want sex? Not just because I think I owe it to you, I like the way it feels with you too, you know? That, and I can't wait to bury both my hands wrist-deep in your chest hair! It's been much too long…" Ryan groaned on that last point. "Besides, you may be able to use your hands to get off when you need to, but I'm a little stuck at the moment."

That was something Scott hadn't considered in Ryan's recovery. Sexual activity had become a regular occurrence in their relationship, but once Ryan was injured they'd quit cold-turkey. Scott was being conscious about giving Ryan the space he needed to recover, and it's not like Ryan had brought up before that this was bothering him, but…

"Hot Stuff, are you trying to tell me you need a 'fiance-only' style prostate exam?"

Ryan looked just a little embarrassed at the bluntness of the question. "How is an offer like that different from me offering to pay you back with sex?"

"Well maybe it's not, but getting to hear your voice as I push you over the edge would do wonders for my spank bank." Scott winked mischievously.

Ryan thought for a moment. "It wouldn't be much fun knowing I can't reciprocate though."

"I can't think of any possible way for you to lay and be comfortable for penetration. Trust me, your voice would be payment enough. I miss the way you call my name as you get closer and closer to-"

"Okay, okay! I get it!" Ryan laughed, then sighed. "But, I still think I have to offer something. Once these casts come off, as soon as I'm able, consider your biggest sexual fantasy granted. Okay?"

It was Scott's turn to blush at Ryan's bluntness. "Don't you want to know what it is before you go making promises like that?"

Ryan smiled at him. "It can't be that bad. Just tell me?"

Scott moved Ryan's legs to get up from the couch, leaning to whisper his current greatest fantasy into his fiance's ear.

"Really?" Ryan asked once Scott had given him the details. "I mean, I can try, but won't the bed get dirty? Unless you're wanting to try it outside, but it's so cold right now… And what about the smell?"

"Forgive me for saying I've thought about it for a while…" Scott ran his hand through his hair, shocked that Ryan even gave tentative approval. "I mean, there would be prep work, and we can put down absorbent pads or a plastic sheet or something? I certainly don't want to pressure you into it. You don't have to agree , and you can certainly decide later that it's not really something you want to do-"

Ryan reached out to pat Scott's head with his left hand, careful to not actually hit him too hard with the cast. "I said I'll try. It sounds harmless enough, and if it's something you'd enjoy it's the least I can do."

Scott almost couldn't believe his ears. He didn't expect Ryan to be up for that at all. In the meantime, he was about to enjoy the heck out of making good on his offer. He leaned in to give Ryan a kiss on the mouth. It started slow, and Ryan was the first to stick out a probing tongue. Scott hadn't realized how much he missed this. He was about to take his Ryan to heaven and back again! He reached down to cup Ryan's crotch gently though his pants, earning him a soft moan of arousal.

Ryan couldn't help but feel tingly at Scott's attentions. It's like his whole body was screaming, "YES! FINALLY!" after this horrible nearly two-month-long roller coaster. He still had a sense of guilt though, a nagging feeling that Scott was doing this out of obligation. He'd been working on those feelings in therapy, but still…

Ryan broke the kiss. "Are you sure you're okay with doing this?" he asked.

Scott licked his lips and made that particular low growl in his throat he made whenever he was turned on. "How about we move you to the bed so I have room to work?"

A bashful grin and soft "Okay" from Ryan told Scott everything he needed to know. He scooped Ryan up from the couch he'd only a few minutes ago set him up on, and carried his fiance to the bedroom to lay him gently on the bed. Another quick check for consent, and Scott had Ryan's pajama pants off. The only issue now was to figure out how to be able to get to everything without making Ryan uncomfortable. A little creativity with Ryan's foam support pillows did the trick. As an afterthought, Ryan's teddy bear which had been laying on the bed was moved to the dresser and made to face the wall. Some things weren't meant for such innocent eyes.

"Oh wait! I'm going to need something before we get started!" Scott said suddenly, running out of the room.

Ryan was stuck laying there with his legs splayed open wondering what Scott went to get. All their sex stuff was in the nightstands by the bed, what more did they need? He wasn't left waiting too long at least, since Scott soon came back with a box of gloves, and a cup of ice.

"What's the ice for?" Ryan asked.

"Well, if we used chocolate syrup and whipped cream you'd probably be sticky afterward, so I figured we could try some temperature play with this?"

Ryan agreed out of curiosity, and Scott wasted no more time gleefully getting to work. Ryan had been going without his chest binding for the past few days, so Scott had plenty of space to try out his ice idea. From the sounds Ryan was making as Scott teased with the cold ice and a hot tongue, it was probably a hit.

For phase two, Scott donned a nitrile glove and dug out the lube. Ryan's dick was erect and twitching by now, with the head peeking out halfway from the foreskin. Scott got the wild idea to take this a step further, and dug out their bottle of chocolate cherry edible massage oil.

"Hot Stuff, would you get mad at me if I used my mouth?" Scott asked with a super innocent expression as he brandished the bottle.

"You've been using your mouth, Cuddle Bug!" Ryan chuckled, not making the connection. His whole chest was tingly from just how good Scott was with his mouth.

"I mean here," Scott tapped the head of Ryan's penis gently with his index finger, slowly moving it side to side and enjoying Ryan's shivering reaction.

"For today, I guess… that might not be so bad…"

"Hot Stuff, that's not a very firm consent."

"Fine!" Ryan laughed, touched at Scott's seriousness. "I'm okay with it today, but you better be ready for payback once these casts come off!"

Scott grinned mischievously and popped the cap on the massage oil bottle.