99- Courthouse Pt 2

Much as he was dreading it, Michael didn't get called to testify that day. Instead, they called Scott up to the podium.

Now, Scott couldn't speak on the working conditions or harassment levels within the shipping company, but he could speak on how the assault affected Ryan's quality of life. After being sworn in, he was made to outline a day as a caretaker, sunup to sundown, and how things had changed from right after the incident till today.

That wasn't all either. Their lawyer verified Scott's profession, and confirmed that he'd been unable to work since assuming the full-time caretaker role. He wasn't made to openly disclose lost wages and daily expenses, but he did verify that a stack of papers their lawyer showed him was indeed the expense report he'd provided her with. He was then handed a stack of medical bills, and he verified that those were genuine as well. Both sets of documents were given to the judge to look over, then it was the defense's turn to ask questions.

The shipping company's lawyer was just as ruthless in his questioning of Scott as he was with Ryan, the only difference being that since Scott was able to make it up to the witness stand the guy wasn't able to tower over him. He wanted to know what Scott's relevance to the case was, and even suggested Ryan was milking his injuries to get greater sympathy.

Scott was quick to shoot that statement down, testifying to his fiance's stubborn independent streak, and how hard things had been on Ryan mentally.

"In your opinion as an alpha, Dr. Kranston," the defense lawyer drawled, "Would you not attest to the fact that the only purpose of the omega is to serve as breeding stock for others of your particular genetic making? In that regard-"

"That question is out of line!" Scott cut the guy off with a steely glint in his eyes.

Banging sounded through the room as the judge pounded his gavel, quieting the whispers from the jury and spectators. The defense lawyer was given a warning to keep the questioning relevant to the case at hand, and to refrain from using such insults. The defense lawyer offered a hollow apology and rephrased his question.

"Do you feel an omega would instigate an attack like this for personal gain or to obtain sympathy from an alpha they were involved with?"

Scott took a breath to calm himself. "Omegas are individuals, just like everyone else. I'm not saying there's not an omega somewhere who wouldn't do what you just described. However, my Ryan would never do that. Sir, have you ever even spent time around an omega? Or do you only go on rumors?"

The lawyer scoffed. "What need would I have to spend time around such 'people'?"

Scott's eye twitched at the way the guy said the word 'people,' almost as if he'd substituted it for something more derogatory. Before Scott could even open his mouth to retaliate, the judge was banging his gavel again, giving the defense lawyer a final warning. Completely nonplussed, the lawyer released Scott with no further questions.

Michael practically shook in his seat, trying not to let his anger get the better of him. There were no witnesses left to call. He knew he was going to be next, and that sceevy asshole was going to do his best to get under his skin.

After the commotion, court was frustratingly adjourned for the day, and Michael was again made to wait to testify.


Day four, after stopping their lawyer in the hallway and verifying that today was the day he could finally get it over with, Michael got called to the witness stand.

After being sworn in, Scott and Ryan's lawyer asked the same questions she'd told him she would, and Michael answered them all to the best of his ability. Michael detailed typical work conditions, the more common forms of harassment he and Ryan received, and the general attitude of management when he and Ryan filed complaints.

"Eventually we were told to stop provoking our team mates." Michael said with resignation. "Ryan and I had to walk on glass with everything we did and we were still singled out for what we are. It got worse when word got out that Ryan was planning to quit after the new year so he could move in with his fiance. It got so bad… the only reason I stayed was to protect my best friend. And it was all petty stuff! The kind of lame pranks and name calling you see on bad sitcoms! We were told to just deal with it! What happened was because we were just told to deal with it and because management didn't take us seriously!"

The lawyer thanked Michael for his cooperation after allowing him some moments to calm down. She offered him a look of sympathy, knowing she couldn't protect him from what was coming. After stating she had no more questions for the witness, it was the defense lawyer's turn to take over.

Michael swallowed, glancing over at Edwardo for reassurance as he fiddled with his ring. The defense lawyer looked up at him completely indifferently, like whatever Michael said didn't matter to the case at all.

"Mr. Michael, records indicate you're in your early twenties, correct?" the guy asked in a dismissive tone.

"Yes, that's correct." Michael kept his guard up. If he could help it, this guy wasn't getting under his skin!

"And how many different jobs have you worked, might I ask?"


"Three? Is that plus, or including…" he checked some notes in his hand, "online modeling?"

"That's a hobby of mine, not a job." Michael stated flatly.

The guy waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. "Three jobs then. Would you consider yourself an expert on typical work conditions?"

"Anyone can tell if an employer is treating them fairly and creating a safe work environment."

"'Fairly' you say?" the defense lawyer raised his eyebrow. "Do you mean 'fairly' as in treating all employees the same, or 'fairly' as in making special arrangements for a demographic of workers consistently proven to quit once they've found partners?"

"I don't see how that makes any difference!" Michael took a deep breath, centering himself by watching the color flash in the stone on his ring. "Omegas are already paid lower wages for that exact reason, no matter how good of a worker they are. Of course they'd quit if they found a partner that could support them."

"So you're saying omegas are inherently lazy?"

"That's not what I said at all!" Michael stood, ready to defend himself, but the sound of the banging gavel startled him and he sat back down sheepishly.

"It's not like there's a lot of us," Michael huffed, "but I've never met a 'lazy' omega! Most of us just realize we're more valued for keeping house and raising kids because the general public is so set against us in the first place. And neither of those jobs qualify anyone as 'lazy!'"

The lawyer scoffed. "So you're saying the harassment both you and Mr. Neel received wasn't because you'd slacked off on your assigned tasks after finding an excuse to quit? Even though reports on your productivity show a significant decline leading up to the incident?"

Michael's blood was practically boiling at this point. He wasn't going to let this guy win. He took a steadying breath, then another. He caught Ryan's eye, then Edwardo's. He wasn't alone here. He knew this sonofabitch's whole job was to get on people's nerves to get them to say something they'd regret. Like hell Michael was going to let him win.

"If you have the same paperwork we do," Michael said coldly, "you'll see reports of harassment steadily increase as supposed productivity goes down. Our equipment, our schedules, what wasn't stolen was tampered with. It got to the point where Ryan and I had to spend almost half a shift to find what we needed to work the damn shift in the first place. We didn't get less work done because we didn't feel like working. It was during the holiday shopping rush for goodness sake! We got less work done because we were actively being targeted and management did nothing about it!"

"One last question. Do you feel what happened was completely the shipping company's fault?"

"If they had done something…" Michael took a shuddering breath, remembering what happened. "If they had listened…" His voice hitched as he tried not to cry. "If they'd listened… Ryan wouldn't have gotten hurt! I wouldn't… I wouldn't- I wouldn't have had to dig him out-! You don't understand! Nobody helped me!" Michael sniffed as the tears fell to his lap. "I- I- I thought he w-was d-dead! I- I th-thought m-my best f-friend was d-dead!!! They were a-all l-laughing! Th-they were a-all FUCKING LAUGHING!!!"

The courtroom was silent except for the echoing noise of Michael's crying. The defense lawyer indicated he had no more questions, but Michael couldn't pull himself together enough to get up from the witness stand. The judge called the court to recess, then passed Michael over a box of tissues. After the jury filed out, Edwardo was given permission to come up and collect his boyfriend.

Ryan and Scott's eyes were nowhere near dry either as Edwardo carried Michael past them and out into the hallway, then further on to the conference room they'd been assigned for use during breaks.

In the privacy of the room, Michael let himself cry almost hysterically into the crook of Edwardo's neck, clinging to him for dear life. Edwardo rubbed Michael's back soothingly, encouraging him to let it all out, letting him know how brave he was, how well he did…

Eventually, he calmed down. Scott and Ryan hadn't joined them, probably to give Michael and Edwardo the time they needed. Michael's crying faded to whimpers and sniffs, and after Edwardo helped him clean his face and blow his nose, Michael just buried himself against Edwardo's shoulder.

"Eddie…" Michael's voice was ragged. "Do you remember… when you said you'd get me therapy…? Did you really mean it…?"

"Mi Dulcito," Edwardo kissed Michael's temple. "I'll hire the best therapist in the city for you. I love you, and I want you to be happy."

Michael sniffed, gripping Edwardo's shirt a little tighter. "Can you… say that again…?"

"I want you to be happy?"

"No, before that…"

"I love you." Edwardo kissed Michael's temple again and rocked him gently. "I love you. I love you very much."

"I love you too…"


Once Michael was a little more in control of himself, and they'd both straightened themselves up the best they could, Michael and Edwardo headed back to the court room. After verifying with the judge that Michael was okay, court was called back into session.

The lawyers bickered back and forth a little before giving closing arguments. After the jury went to go deliberate, all that was left was the waiting.

There was waiting, and more waiting, and some waiting on top of that. The court broke for lunch, then they had to come back and wait some more. Then the jury came back in wanting access to recorded testimonies, listening to some things a second or third time. Eventually the court dismissed for the day, and they had to wait even longer for the verdict.


The next day, the fifth day of the whole affair, everyone but the defense was on the edge of their seats waiting for the end of it all. The jury deliberated for only an hour before filing back into the court room. The judge asked them if they had reached a verdict.

"We have your honor," one of the jury members said.

"And how do you define the shipping company in this case?" The judge asked.

"Guilty. On all charges."