101- First Time

And that little conversation is how Michael found himself alone in Edwardo's expansive walk-in closet. He'd lamented that he had nothing here to wear to make their first time special, but apparently Edwardo had a dirty little secret that offered the perfect solution. So, while Edwardo was busy filling one of Essie's chew toys with peanut butter, Michael got to have his own lingerie themed Christmas.

Now, Edwardo's closet was bigger than Michael's bedroom at home, and Edwardo himself used very little of it. Michael couldn't help feeling a little envious his first time seeing it, with all its racks and drawers and cubbies, and especially it's makeup vanity and floor length mirror. Michael could move in everything he had, and there'd still be at least half the place empty. But today, Michael found out that the closet's cabinetry wasn't as empty as expected.

Edwardo probably had twenty different lingerie sets total, all packaged in little white boxes with colorful tissue paper. Turns out he'd been buying them a few weeks after they'd started dating, whenever one had caught his eye, in hopes of presenting them to Michael one or two at a time as gifts.

In light of recent events, that plan went completely out the window. Though, Michael could admit his boyfriend had good taste. And that every piece was either unisex or cut for a man was very affirming, too.

It didn't take Michael long to pick out the one he wanted to wear. He just wished he had the supplies here to do some makeup to match it, or even just having thought to keep up with his body hair management. Hopefully Edwardo wouldn't mind that his pubic and leg hair were a bit more on the natural side at the moment…

With that thought, there was a knock on the closet door.

"Dulcito, I've got Essie occupied out in the living room. Are you doing okay in there?"

"I'm almost ready!" Michael called back. "Wait on the bed, I'll be out in a second! Oh, and you get down to your undies too!"

Michael could hear the sound of cloth hitting the floor and bed springs creaking as Edwardo told him to take his time. Michael shivered in anticipation as he surveyed himself in the mirror and did some minor adjustments. He was kind of nervous. More nervous than the first time they'd tried this anyway. This outfit was cute as hell though. Edwardo had good taste indeed!

Michael cracked open the closet door. "You ready…?"

"Oh, I am ready!" Edwardo rubbed his hands together, sitting at the very edge of the bed with the best view of the closet door. He couldn't wait to see what Michael had picked out to wear, and was already reacting in anticipation.

Michael slid a leg out slowly first, revealing a cow print thigh-high sock. Edwardo fought the urge to whistle, not wanting to summon the dog. Instead he grunted in appreciation. The leg slid back in, then out spun Michael, leaning seductively against the closet door.

Edwardo wiped his mouth, trying not to drool. Michael was in a cow print bikini, complete with matching socks and headband, and a matching cover for his bite collar. The tiny triangles on the top were just big enough to cover his nipples, and the bottoms had the most adorable tail sewn onto the back. When Edwardo had seen the online ad, he knew Michael would look good in it. He just hadn't anticipated HOW good Michael would look in it…

"Moo," Michael said with a mischievous pout.

"You can say that again…" Edwardo all but panted, his penis straining against its confines.

Michael grinned, taking in the view himself. For all the time they'd been dating, and even with living here the past week and a half, he'd yet to see Edwardo shirtless. Even that time a few days ago where Michael had suggested they go swimming in Edwardo's indoor pool, he'd worn a shirt. But those arms, that chest, the six pack, and that v-line that drew the eye so perfectly down… Michael bit his lip.

Edwardo took in another eyeful before scooting back on the mattress to rest against the headboard, lounging against the pillows. He held out his arms, making beckoning motions with his fingers. Michael very eagerly jumped, literally jumped, into the bed, and crawled up to straddle Edwardo's lap.

They stared at each other for a moment, as though unsure of how to proceed, when Michael leaned in for a kiss. It started slow, with simple pecks, then Eddie started sucking Michael's bottom lip. That was enough to bring the tongues into the action, and they took turns exploring each other's mouths until they both had to come up for air.

Michael couldn't tell why, but this felt so much different from all the other time's he'd tried starting something. It was more comfortable this time. His heart was still racing, but everything felt better than before. Edwardo's erection pressed against his back. Michael needed to make sure he was nice and slick before they went any further. He got up on his knees, and reached into the back of his bottoms to start rubbing his hole.

"Mi Dulcito, what are you doing?" Edwardo asked in slight confusion.

"What do you mean?" Michael stopped his stroking. "I always need to use my fingers first, especially outside of my heat. Otherwise it hurts, even if I use lube."

Edwardo pulled Michael back down to his chest. "And who was it who told me they were looking forward to someone else doing all the work for once?"

"Well…" Michael blushed.

"Can I try?" Edwardo whispered into Michael's ear. "Just tell Papi how you like it."

That sent shivers up and down Michael's spine. He caught the subtle hint Edwardo threw in there too. Fine, he had no problem playing along.

"Rub it real slow, Papi…" Michael took Edwardo's hand and slid it under his waistband. "Nice and slow, until it gets real slick, and when you put your finger in, press towards my belly."

Edwardo did as he was told, heart pounding the whole time. Michael was making the cutest little sounds as he teased around Michael's opening, and it was rapidly getting very slick indeed. Michael's head was pillowed against his chest, so Edwardo couldn't see his face, but judging from the sounds and how heavy Michael was breathing, he had to be doing a good job, right? And if he didn't know any better, he could have sworn Michael's intoxicating scent was getting stronger.

Edwardo pressed gently inwards once he thought Michael was wet enough, and the feeling of Michael's sphincter yielding to his fingertip was enough to give him shivers of his own.

"Deeper-!" Michael gasped.

Edwardo complied, reveling in the sensation of his finger getting swallowed up, and the appreciative moaning of his boyfriend. He moved his finger in and out gently, and after Michael's desperate plea, added another finger in. It was an amazing feeling. This wasn't Edwardo's first time having sex, but it was his first time doing something like this. And the noises Michael was making were so cute!

"W- wait-!" Michael moaned. "S-stop-!"

Edwardo stopped immediately, pulling out his stringy fingers, worried he'd done something to hurt Michael by mistake. "Mi Dulcito, what's wrong?"

Michael took a moment to catch his breath, his arms and legs trembling. "I almost came…"

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Michael looked up at Edwardo and pouted. Edwardo quickly decided that was one of his top five favorite expressions Michael could make.

"Papiiiii…" Michael whined, "It's my first tiiiiime!"

Edwardo leaned in to kiss Michael's nose. "I know. But weren't you feeling good? You could have cum."

Michael gave him the most incredulous look like Edwardo just wasn't getting it. "It's. My. First. Time. So. I. Want. To. Cum. With. Your. Dick. Not. Your. Fingers."

"Oh." Spelled out so blatantly Edwardo couldn't help but get the message. "Hold on, I've got condoms in the nightstand."

Michael let Edwardo up so he could roll over far enough to reach the drawer that had the oh-so-vital component to the next step. Edwardo knew Michael was on birth control, but he didn't want to take any chances. Edwardo could feel the mattress shift, and soon enough Michael was leaning against his back.

"Can I watch you put it on?" Michael asked mischievously. "I want to see what my Papi's packing."

Edwardo chuckled and got up from the bed, keeping his back towards Michael. He teased pulling down his underwear. "You really want to see?"

"Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!" Michael chanted playfully.

Edwardo worked his waistband down, letting the garment fall to his ankles before kicking it away. He flexed a little, giving Michael a full view of his backside and showing off his muscles. Michael started to whistle, when Edwardo quickly turned his head holding his finger to his lips, shushing to get Michael to stop.

"If you whistle, we'll have company." Edwardo explained.

Michael covered his mouth to suppress a giggle. "You going to turn around, Papi? Or are you going to keep me waiting?"

Edwardo grinned, then pivoted on his heel to pull another dynamic pose, giving Michael a perfect profile view. Michael took a moment to marvel at it. Compared to Michael, Edwardo was a big man. And being an alpha, that tendency for larger size applied to everything. Michael wasn't about to back out though. Edwardo had promised him he could take the lead. He watched Edwardo open the condom and slide it on, rolling it down his shaft.

"Don't worry, I got some lube, too." Edwardo pulled the bottle out of the nightstand where he got the condoms. "I wanted to make sure I was prepared."

"Guess that means it's my turn." Michael hooked his fingers either side of his bikini bottoms. "Don't laugh, okay? It's nowhere near as big as yours."

Edwardo gave Michael his full and undivided attention. Even his dick twitched in eagerness. Michael pulled his bottoms down in one swift motion, exposing his own erection topped by a mess of copper curls. Michael sat back to finish working the bottoms off his legs, watching Edwardo closely for any signs of lost interest. If anything, this was the part he was most worried about. He kept waiting, but Edwardo didn't say anything.

"Ah… Sorry the carpet doesn't match the drapes," Michael mumbled.



"You're so cute!" Edwardo practically fell on top of Michael, pulling him in for a hug and rolling over so Michael was on top.

Michael laughed. "So, you're not turned off? You still want to keep going?"

"How could I not want to keep going with Mi Dulcito looking so sexy…" Edwardo growled playfully.

Michael smiled down at him and leaned in for a kiss. "Get the lube and get comfortable against the pillows. I need to be the one doing the work for the next part."

Edwardo piled the pillows up so they were comfortable to lean against, and like Michael requested he made sure his rod was perfectly slick. All set, Michael straddled him again. They tongue wrestled some more to set the mood, then Michael got to work.

Michael stood up on his knees and scooted backwards. With one hand braced against Edwardo's chest and the other holding Edwardo's erection still, he tried to get everything lined up. He slipped once, and Edwardo helpfully supported him by the waist. He slipped a second time, so he readjusted his hips and widened his stance a little. On the third try, he could feel that telltale give signifying he'd finally gotten it right.

Michael knew he needed to take this slow. He pressed down ever so gently.