You Could Be A Serial Killer

"I like to spend time with you. I know you don't. But I don't think you mind it too much."


"Get up."

I hear these words and I'm jostled awake. "Get ready and come downstairs fast," my mom says and walks out of the room.

I wash my face, tame my wild hair and go downstairs while I stifle a yawn.

I rub my eyes and walk in the drawing-room to see a guy who is approximately my age. He has a chiselled jaw and his shirt fits him perfectly. I can see the outline of his toned abs. Oh my God, his hands are-

"Naira," my mother hisses and grabs my arm to take me away from the room. I don't miss the guy's amused eyes while I pass him a glare. To which he just winks at me. How dare he?

"What are you wearing?" she asks me.

"What do you mean?" I wish I hadn't looked down. My pyjamas are torn a little bit and there's a stain on them too.

Oh God. Why did I have to wear this last night?

"It's not my fault they're so comfortable, mom," I whisper to her and then go to my room to get changed.

I quickly wear a crop top and blue high waisted jeans. I opt to keep my slippers on as I'm in my house. I walk back in the room and sit beside my brother who is looking at me with worried eyes.

"Hello, Naira. I'm Ayan's mother Preeti and this is my husband Raj," a lady with long black hair and brown eyes says. She's so beautiful that I forget for a second that I'm supposed to reply to her.

I nod at her and greet them both with a smile. I'm guessing the guy's name is Ayan. Ugh, even his name sounds hot.

"Should we let the kids talk alone now?" my father asks them.

"Talk about what?"

"Whatever you want to talk about, Naira," Ayan's mother replies to me.

"Umm okay," I have no idea what's going on right now. My mom asks me to take Ayan to my room.

I look at her in confusion when Ayan grabs my hand and leads me out of the room. I pull my hand away from his and wipe it across my jeans. He just shakes his head at me. I grudgingly take him to my room. He runs his hands in his hair while he looks around the room and then chooses to sit on my bed.

"Cute PJs earlier." He smiles at me. I narrow my eyes at him.

"What are we supposed to talk about?"

"I don't know, what do you want to know about me?" His question confuses me. Why would I want to know about him?

He sighs when I just stare at him.

"You don't want to know anything about your future husband?"

"Who the fuck do you think you are? My future husband, my arse. Are you delusional?" I can't believe this guy is so unbelievably stupid. Why would I want to marry him and why does he think he'll be my husband?

"Shh, sunflower. No need to get so worked up. My family is here for a marriage proposal for you. Our families like each other. All that's left is for us to say yes." He shrugs.

"Bro, I don't even know you. For all I know, you could be a serial killer."

He chuckles at that and walks up to me. I back away till I hit the wall. Why do guys have to invade your personal space?

I shiver slightly at how close he is to me.

"Baby, If I was a killer I would have already killed you," he whispers in my ear. God, why does his voice have to be so good?

I flick his forehead.


"Do. Not. Call. Me. That. Do. You. Understand?"

"Okay baby." He just smirks at me. I want to wipe the smirk off his face. His beautiful face. Ugh.

"Look dude, we're so not going to work out so let's just go downstairs and tell them that. Cool?"

He just shrugs and nods. 'My future husband' agreed so easily? I thought I'll have to convince him more. Well, good for me.

He grabs my hand again and walks downstairs. I swear this guy has a fetish for holding hands. A tiny part of me can't help but like his hold on my hand. So when he removes his hand, I miss the warmth. God, snap out of it.

"So do you like each other? Is it yes?" my mother asks Ayan. She doesn't even look at me because she knows if she did, I'd bury her! How could she not tell me about this? Well, I guess because I would have never agreed but still, this is outrageous. I just glare at her and open my mouth to say no when I'm cut off by Ayan.

"Yes. She's amazing. I sure have a handful now. She's so funny I'll never get bored." He smiles at me and winks at me. I just look at him dumbfounded and before I can open my mouth again to give him a piece of my mind, my mom stuffs my mouth with dessert.

Ayan's parents and mine hug each other and congratulate each other while my brother just smiles at me sadly.

I quickly swallow the dessert and look at Ayan.

"What the fuck Ayan? Are you crazy?"

He smiles at me. "I think I'm ready to get married and I like how cute you are. I feel like we will make a cute couple. What do you think, sunflower?"

I swear to God I'm going to kill him. He catches my wrist before I can hit him and pulls me close to him. Why does that have to feel good? Screw you, my body.

He smirks at me. I just glare at him.

"Aww, aren't they so cute. Should we set the wedding date for next month?"

Say whaaaaaaaaaaaat?