I Don't Like You At All

"You're the Rosalee to my Pete."


"Do I even get a say in this?" I sigh.

"Nope. You don't. But since you're tired and you have work tomorrow, let's just have dinner and we'll watch movie some other day," Ayan replies.

"Okay, but can we go to McDonald's, please?" I give him a puppy look.

His eyes soften when he looks at me. "Of course we can, sunflower."

I smile at him.

After some time we reach McDonald's and we go inside. I look around and there's one family and a group of high schoolers seated. Other than that, it's empty. We sit in the corner.

"What do you want to eat?" Ayan asks me.

"French fries obviously and a cold drink," I say.

"But you just had fries a while ago," he raises his eyebrow.

"So? I'm a picky eater. I don't eat much." I smile sheepishly at him.

"Oh, okay. I'll go place an order then." He leaves to do that.

I text and inform my mother that I'll be home late. Not like she needs to be informed. She would already know this considering Ayan always knows my whereabouts.

After he returns I ask him what his job is. I literally don't know anything about him.

"My dad owns a chain of hotels. I work with him." He shrugs.

"Wow, that's huge!" I look at him.

He smirks at me. "Title of your sex tape.

"Wait, no title of our sex tape." He winks at me.

"Hey, you've seen Brooklyn Nine-Nine?" I ask.

"Yeah, I love it."

"Omg, I love you. I can't believe you've seen it." I can't stop smiling at that.

"Aww baby, if I knew it would only take Brooklyn Nine-Nine for you to confess your undying love for me, I would have done it sooner."

"Shut up." I glare at him.

We get our order then and I start eating my fries. He has ordered a burger and chicken nuggets for himself. I make a face at that. I don't get why people eat non-veg. He notices that and purposefully eats his nuggets to annoy me. I don't look at him anymore.

"You know, french fries have a lot of calories," he tells me.

"Umm, yeah?" Why is he telling me that?

"I know a way to burn those calories, princess." He wiggles his eyebrows.

I throw a fry on his face. "We're not going to have sex Ayan!!!" I yell at him.

He laughs at that and pouts. He looks so cute. So I pinch his cheeks. I see that the high school students are looking at us and laughing at him. So I pinch his cheeks again to embarrass him. He then takes my wrist in his hand and kisses my wrist bone. I remove my hand and glare at him.

"I don't like you at all!!" I exclaim. He copies my actions and repeats my words with a whiny voice. I glare at him again and finish my fries quickly. I take a sip of my cold drink and then he takes it from my hand and takes a sip too. From MY DRINK.

Shocked, I look at him and he just winks at me. I refuse to drink it.

"You just had non-veg. I'm not going to drink that now." I pretend to puke.

"Whatever you say, baby." He shrugs and finishes my drink. I make a sad face at that. He's not nice.

After he has eaten and we get in the car I tell him, "You paid this time. I'll pay next time." I don't want him to spend any money on me. I can pay on my own.

"Are you saying that you want there to be a next time?" He looks at me with amused eyes. He's enjoying this.

"No way. I did not say that."

"Oh yeah, so what did you say?" His entire attention is on me.

"I just said that hypothetically if we ever go out again, not a date, okay? I'll pay then." I nervously mumble.

He chuckles and shakes his head at me. "You're so cute, babygirl."

"I hate you, Ayan."

"In the past hour, you've gone from loving me to disliking me to hating me. Sunflower, do I make you question your feelings?"

Yes, he does but I'm not going to tell him that. I just huff and ignore him.

I look out of the window and when I see an ice cream parlour, I ask him to stop the car.

"Can we please have ice cream?" I ask him, making big eyes. He can't refuse them.

I buy strawberry ice cream for myself and cotton candy ice cream for him. I pay and when he interrupts, I pull his ear. It always works.

We decide to take a walk while eating our ice creams. I use both of my hands to eat my ice cream so that he can't hold my hand. I laugh inwardly at that.

"You've got a little something on your nose." He points at his nose.

I scrunch up my nose and make a face.

"No, I don't. This is just a way for you to unnecessarily touch me. Hah, you're so predictable." I stick my tongue out at him.

He grabs my arm and pulls my body against him. Oh no, now there's ice cream on his shirt. That doesn't bother him.

He brings his mouth closer to mine. I hold in my breath. What is he doing?

He lightly kisses my cheek and stares right in my eyes. "Now there's ice cream on your cheek. Did you expect that baby?"

There's so much tension right now and it's hard for me to breathe. I calm myself down and then rub my ice cream on his nose and start running away from him. I laugh at him, "Take that, arsehole."

He catches me quickly but thankfully doesn't do anything else.

"Ayan you wasted my ice cream. That's not fair."

He offers his ice cream to me but I don't want to eat that. I don't like that flavour.

"I won't do that again. Sorry, sunflower."

I know his words are a lie. He'll do anything to annoy me.

After he is done eating his ice cream, he drops me at my home. Luckily I'm able to unbuckle my seatbelt this time.

"So... thank you for today. I had fun." I smile at him. He opens the car door for me. Isn't he a gentleman? Note the sarcasm.

"Don't worry about it." He kisses my forehead and then smiles at me.

"You really need to stop touching me all the time. You're not my boyfriend." I cross my arms.

"Yeah but I'm your fiancé." He winks.

"I haven't said yes," I tell him.
