Goodbye Kiss

"I want to make you as happy as you make me."


"Did you decorate your house on your own? It looks lovely. Your room is as pretty as your living room," I gush, looking around her room.

We are currently seated in Sara's room. She had shooed Ayan away and dragged me to her room so that we could talk without his annoying presence. I didn't have any problem with that.

Her room contains a small bed, neatly made, a desk sits in one corner, littered with pieces of paper and pens, there are black drapery curtains drawn at the windows even during daylight, and a few paintings on the wall - She has Kushagra's drawings (I wouldn't exactly call them that) framed. His quirky art adds a splash of colour to the room. The walls are blue, the wall next to the door has a mural on it, hand-painted by someone who knew what he/she was doing.

"Yeah, I decorated this house myself eight months ago after I divorced my ex-husband. Ku and I moved here then," she says, propping her chin on her hand.

"Oh. I didn't know. I'm sorry..." I say warily.

She gives me a dismissive wave of her hand. "Don't apologise. I'm happier than ever, girl."

I smile at her. "Kushagra is so lucky to have you as his mother."

"Thank you. His father comes and visits him at least once a week. We try to spend as much time with him as possible. We don't want him to think that he doesn't have a family like his other friends do. I just hope I'm doing right by him." She takes in a deep breath and unconsciously tenses her shoulders.

"As I said, he's very lucky to have you as his mother. Don't be hard on yourself. I've just met you today and I can assure you that you're an amazing mother. Stop worrying so much, you'll get wrinkles." I point at her forehead.

She hits my right arm. "Enough about me. What do you think about my brother?"

She wiggles her eyebrows.

I scrunch up my face. "What is there to think of him? He is an incorrigible arsehole hellbent on making my life a living hell. I swear, Sara, nothing fazes him. No matter what I do, my actions are a source of entertainment for him." Sara laughs and shakes her head.

"Ouch, sunflower." Ayan places his hand on his heart, feigning hurt. "All I do is brighten your dull and uneventful life." He smirks.

"How long have you been standing at the door? Don't you have manners? It's disrespectful to eavesdrop, Ayan." My mouth is set in a hard line.

He rolls his eyes. "I just came right now. Sara, Ku has peed his pants and he is refusing to get changed without you."

Sara groans. "I've been trying to teach him to use the washroom but he never listens," she whines and leaves the room.

"Naira, I wanted to ask you something. I was going to call and ask you but since you're already here, I'll just ask right now." He sits on the opposite side of the bed.

"Umm, okay." I gesture him to continue.

"I and my friends are planning to go to Goa. They all want to meet you. So will you come with us?"

"Umm, I have work..."

"I know, by the way, we do too. We will go on the twenty-third of May for nine days. Your summer vacation will start by the end of this week, right?" He runs his hands in his hair.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I'm free." I lift my shoulder in a half shrug.

"Sunflower, I don't think you have anything important to do besides watching Netflix and reading books." He cocks his head and looks right in my eyes.

I pick up the pillow and throw it at him. To my dismay, he ducks. I glare at him.

"Come on sunflower, we will have fun. It's not like you have many friends." His hair falls on his forehead. He shoves it away from his face.

"I have a lot of friends." I huff.

"Really, name them. Siya doesn't count."

I open my mouth but then close it. "I have many friends besides Siya. I don't think knowing their names is any of your business."

He grins. "Sure you do, sunflower."

"Why do you call me sunflower?" I genuinely want to know. I've never heard anyone call somebody sunflower.

"Oh that is something for me to know and you to never find out." He winks at me.

"Come on. Please," I plead with him.

"Nope," he says, popping the p.

"Fine, Ayu," I tease.

He groans. "Try saying that in front of Ku and see what will happen. You will definitely not be hit by a toy then."

"Jeez. That kid is really violent." I'll never call him Ayu in front of Kushagra. I don't want him to hit me again. That too with something much bigger than a toy.

"Yeah. Just like you," he smiles at me and I narrow my eyes at him in return. "Anyway, will you come with us?"

"Okay. But you have to promise me you will not trouble me in Goa."

"No promises, baby," he winks at me.

My eyes fall on the table clock in Sara's room. "Shit, Ayan. I should be home by now. Mom would be worrying." I hurriedly get up from the bed and Ayan does the same.

"Okay let me drop you home."

Before I can disagree, he says, "No more arguing. We have argued enough today. Let me drop you home. You'll reach early too that way."

"Okay," I snap my mouth shut.

After hugging Sara and Ku goodbye, Ayan drops me outside my home. I pick up my bag and thank him. He catches my wrist before I can get out of the car.

"Baby, will you not give me a goodbye kiss?"

I release my wrist free from his hand.

"I'll give you a goodbye kick."