Road Trip I

"You've taught me how to look at everything in the world as a work of art."


4 am

I rub my eyes and hand my bag to Ayan who keeps it in the boot of his car, besides two other suitcases. Am I the only one who packed light? I hug my other bag closer to me. I packed a lot of snacks in it for myself.

My safe place.

"Can I sit in the back? I want to lie down and sleep," I ask Ayan.

"Sure, if you can find space to fit in," Ayan says, tilting his head towards the backseat. I glance inside the car and see two guys sprawled out in the backseat of the car. The first guy has his face against the window, with his mouth wide open. He has a beautiful face, well defined with a sharp jaw and angular cheekbones. I can't see the second guy's face from where I am standing. All I can see is his foot which is hitting the first guy's face. I chuckle at that.

"Guess you're stuck with me." Ayan opens the car door for me. I groan and get inside, placing my bag on my lap.

"How long will it take us to reach Goa?" I unzip my bag and take out a packet of chips and start munching.

"Depending on how often we stop, it will take us twenty-five to thirty-two hours to reach there." He shrugs.

The chip I'm holding falls near my feet.

"What? We will waste one day in just driving?" I ask softly, careful not to wake up others. The second guy's foot is now inside the first guy's mouth.

How did that happen? I quickly snap a picture of them. I have a feeling that it will be useful someday.

Ayan shrugs. "We won't. We will still stay in Goa for nine days, from tomorrow onwards. I wanted to board a flight to Goa but these bozos wanted to have a road trip. We will meet Sasha, Emily and Cole in Goa itself. Also, sunflower, please don't eat in my car if you don't know how to chew properly." He points at the chip that fell by mistake.

I glare at him. "I'm more hygienic than you are."

"Sure you are, sunflower."

I plug in my earphones and tune him out.


6 am

"Did you just fart?" Ayan asks, to nobody in particular. I remove my earphones and groan at being disturbed. What a feeling had just started playing!

"That must be Rudy." First guy pushes Rudy away and he falls off the seat.

Rudy squeals and rubs his head. "Why did you push me away, Zubair? I could have died!"

Dramatic much?

"Bro your foot was inside my mouth. INSIDE MY MOUTH. You never change your socks! My tongue touched your feet. I want to puke." Zubair grimaces and aggressively wipes his mouth.

"Are they always like this?" I question Ayan who nods his head.

"Wait till you meet others. They all are... how can I put this? A bit much." He shudders.

"Well, if I can handle you, I can surely handle others. They can't be worse." I tease him.

"Haha burn." Rudy laughs and Zubair smiles at me.

"Hi. You must be Naira. I'm Zubair and this repulsive creature next to me is Rudy." Zubair offers his hand and I shake it.

Rudy offers me his hand as well. I look at it for a second and then say, "No thanks. I don't know if you wash your hands or not..." I trail off.

Zubair gives me a broad grin. "I like her."


9 am

"I want to pee," Rudy whines. For the past three hours, he has drank at least five bottles of coke. We all told him not to do it but he just yawned on our faces.

"Hold it," Zubair says to him.

"You have been saying that for the past hour. I'll pee on you if I don't get to pee," Rudy mutters.

"Gross no. Ayan please stop the car," I say.

Ayan pulls the car to a stop when we see a petrol station. Rudy speedily leaves the car to use a washroom.

"I have never seen him run this fast," Ayan mentions. I snort at that.

Ayan and Zubair switch places after Zubair offers to drive.

When Rudy comes back, we all look at him.

"Did you wash your hands?" we end up asking in unison.

He gives us a sheepish smile.



11 am

"I want to sleep. Can one of you switch places with me?" I turn to Ayan and Rudy who were busy playing stone, paper and scissors.

"Sure. Ayan, go switch places with her." Ayan glares at him.

"Why are you glaring at me?" Rudy asks him. Zubair sighs and stops the car.

Ayan whispers something in Rudy's ear which makes him nod and smirk at him. He gets out of the car and takes the front seat. I raise my eyebrow at Ayan but don't say anything. It'll only earn me a snarky comment from him. I'm too sleepy to argue with him right now.

"Can I place my feet in your lap?" I ask to which he shakes his head.

"Nevermind. I will do it." I lay down and place my feet in his lap. When he touches my toes, I hit him in his stomach.

"Jesus, woman." He holds his stomach and whines.

Wimp. I didn't even hit hard.

In the next half an hour, I keep on tossing and turning but can't fall asleep. My neck has started to hurt.

"Does anyone have a pillow?" I sit up and massage my neck.

"You complain a lot," Rudy says. Ayan hits the back of his head.

"You can keep your head in my lap," Ayan mumbles.

"You don't mind?"


I smile at him and put my head in his lap. When I hear a clicking sound, I turn to see Rudy grinning at us. He clicked a picture of us.

"Couple goals." He shows the pic to Zubair who laughs at us.

I peep at Ayan. "I don't like him," I whisper.

He runs his fingers through my hair and I sigh in contentment.

"Nobody does," he whispers back.

"I heard that," Rudy calls from the front seat.


2 pm

I open my eyes and look at Ayan who has fallen asleep. His face is against the window and his fingers are still in my hair. I smile at him. When I realise what I just did, I get up.

Ayan stirs a little and mumbles something inaudible but doesn't wake up.

When I bend down to pick up my shoes, my eyes fall on wrappers of snacks I had brought.

My jaw drops when I see that my bag is in Rudy's lap and he is currently eating my chocolate.