Day 1 (I)

"You understand what is important and what isn't. I hope that I can do that one day."


"Baby, wake up." I feel someone touch my face and my eyes shot open. I pick up my blanket and hit the person next to me with it.

"Ow, what was that for?" Rudy squeals.

"Why was my face buried against your shoulder and why were you touching me? Also, why did you call me baby? I got so scared!" I say it all in one breath.

I run my fingers in my hair, untangling some of the knots in the way.

"I was just trying to tease Ayan," Rudy shrugs and grins at me.

"Why would you do that?" I ask, tying my hair up in a ponytail.

"Seemed funny to me," he winks at me.

I can see why Rudy and Ayan are friends. They are carbon copies of each other. Except, there is one difference. Rudy is way worse.

"You know, Rudy is one of the protagonists of a book I have read," I tell him.

He has wrapped my blanket around himself like a scarf. He can keep that blanket forever. I have no use of it anymore.

After hearing my words, his eyes sparkle with happiness. "Really? Does he get all the babes?" He smirks.

You wish.

"No. In fact, he dies." Ayan and Zubair can't help but laugh.

I plaster a smile on my face. "If you ever touch me again, I assure you, you will have the same fate," I warn Rudy who gulps and nods.

"You got yourself a feisty one," Zubair says to Ayan.

"I did, didn't I?" Ayan sends a wink my way. I roll my eyes.

"What time is it?" I ask no one in particular.

"It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon," Zubair says from the driving seat.

"My head was on his shoulder for twelve hours?" I jerk my hand towards Rudy who is using the blanket as a veil and is batting his eyelashes at me. I chuckle and shake my head.

"Yes princess, you slept on my shoulders and you enjoyed every bit of it." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"It's hard to take you seriously when you look like that, Rudy." Zubair looks at Rudy and says from the driving seat.

"When will we reach Goa? I want to get out of these jeans as soon as possible." It's a miracle I fell asleep while wearing jeans. They are so uncomfortable!

"We will reach in four hours. Sasha, Emily and Cole's flight will land in three hours. So they will have to wait for us," Ayan answers.

"Which hotel are we staying in?"

"We're not staying in any hotel. Dad owns a house in Goa. We will stay there."

My mouth makes an 'o' shape. Just how rich is this guy?

"Sunflower, have these. You haven't eaten since last night." Ayan passes me two bananas.

I wrinkle my nose. "I'm not eating them. They are not tasty."

Rudy takes one of the bananas and starts stuffing it in his mouth.

"Just eat one?" Ayan makes a puppy face. I scoff. As if that would work.

Rudy drops the banana peel on the car seat and I look at him in disgust.

"Zubair stop the car." He pulls over the car to the side of the road. I get out of the car and open Ayan's car door.

"I want to sit here." I wait for him to get out.

"If you wanted to sit in my lap, you could have just asked," Ayan smirks.

"What? No. You're going in the back, dude." I tap my feet impatiently.

"Can you guys hurry up?" Zubair says.

"No can do, sunflower."

"Please Ayan." I make big eyes at him knowing full well he won't refuse.

His eyes soften for a second. "Okay. But only on one condition."


"You will eat that banana." He passes it to me and smiles.



6 pm

"Finally." I run inside the living room and sigh.

I look around the room in awe. An accent wall made of dark charcoal tiles boldly stands out in the room. A white sofa matching the floor sets the stage for an elegant look. The room is furnished with armchairs and a golden hexagonal table, along with a neutral rug. Deep blacks compliment warm whites with gold accents to create a glamorous scheme.

"Your bags, sunflower." Ayan passes me my bags.

"Your house is so beautiful." Ayan smiles.

Rudy and Zubair enter with a suitcase each. "Where's your suitcase?" I ask Ayan.

"I don't need one. I have whatever I need in my room." He gives me a half shrug.

I nod and sit on one of the armchairs.

"I'll go ask Mary if we have anything chilled to drink," Ayan says and leaves.

"Guys, Sasha, Emily and Cole will be here any minute," Zubair says and keeps the phone in his back pocket.


Rudy yawns and stretches his arms above his head.

"I'm so exhausted." Why is he so tired? All he did was sleep and eat. Well, I did that too but he is no comparison to me. I shake my head at his antics.

Rudy jumps on the sofa without removing his shoes. I look at Zubair who pats my shoulder.

"You'll get used to it."

A lady in her fifties enters the living room, followed by Ayan. She has wrinkles on her face but the lines on her face made her look sweet.

"Naira, this is Mary. She takes care of the house in our absence," I get up and smile at her.

"MARY my only love," Rudy grins and gives her a warm hug. She laughs and hugs him back.

"My favourite boy. How are you?" She places a hand on his cheek lovingly.

"Very tired, Mary. I drove all the way here." He pouts.

"Hey. He didn't do anything!" Zubair exclaims and hugs Mary from behind.

"Missed you, aunty." She places a hand on his shoulder and smiles at him too.

"Missed you too little boy."

I can't help but smile at them. She turns to me and places her hands on my cheeks. "You're a beautiful girl. I hope these idiots didn't give you any trouble."

I blush and shake my head.

"I AM NEVER BEING THE THIRD WHEEL AGAIN!" I hear a feminine voice shout from outside.

"I don't want to stay for this. Have fun, Rudy." Mary winks at him and leaves the room.

Rudy covers his face and groans.