Day 2 (II)

"If you care about someone, you'd make time for them."


He takes a step forward and grabs my waist. I shut my eyes tightly because of the weird tightening in my stomach.

He lightly touches my stomach and wipes the sand off. I hold in my breath.

I feel frozen for a moment, too nervous to move my body and scared because of the rapid beating of my heart.

His eyes lock onto mine and we stare at each other for what feels like hours.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

I snap back to reality and push him away.

"I could have done that myself," I hiss at him. I get rid of the specks of sand on my arms and tie my hair in a ponytail. I will have to go and take a shower to shrug away all the dirt sticking to my skin.

Let's not forget the raging storm that's coming Rudy's way.

"You could have, but you didn't," he says playfully. "You can't deny the effect I have on your body and ultimately your... heart."

I snort. "The only effect you have on me is the irresistible urge to kick you where the sun doesn't shine, watch you tremble as you fall to your knees, groaning in pain as you beg me for forgiveness because of the big idiot you are."

I wish that would happen someday. That'll be the happiest day of my life.

"Come on, don't pretend like you don't love it," he retorts playfully.

I shake my head and watch as his face hardens in a scowl at something behind me. He removes his shirt that is tied to his pants and passes it to me.

"Wear it. Umm... the sand draws unwanted attention to your umm... chest," he says uncomfortably and averts his gaze.

My cheeks flame red. I grab the shirt from his hand and hastily slip it on. It entirely covers my thighs, barely touching my knees.

Yeah. I'm very short.

A casual grin settles on his lips and his eyes flicker to me momentarily. "You look so cute. Like a teddy bear, kiddo."

My body stiffens in annoyance and I roll my eyes. I change the topic. "Why did you suddenly get angry?"

He clenches his jaw and doubles his fist. He purses his lips, "Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it."

"But at least tell me what happened."

"Go take a shower, baby, you stink." He pats my hair as if he is talking to a kid.

My curious gaze turns icy as I state, "Same to you."

Well done, Naira. Best burn of the century. You should get an award for being so original.


I walk out of the washroom and jump on seeing Ayan lying down on the bed.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, putting the towel and my clothes inside my bag.

His house isn't far away from the beach so I decided to walk instead of using the public washroom to wash myself off. I always change in my room instead of the washroom but since this wasn't my house, I didn't want to take any risks and I am glad I didn't. It would have given Ayan a reason to flirt with me.

His confidence is admirable.

"Is this yours?" Ayan asks, swinging my red lacy bra in front of me.

I feel my cheeks flush red. This is all Sasha's fault. She came and rummaged through my clothes. I can't even say anything to her. I'm terrified of what she'll do to me.

"Very nice bra by the way," Ayan smirks.

"Give it back," I say demandingly, trying to fight my blush. I walk up to him and try to hold his hand but he shifts the bra to his left hand.

I touch his right hand, wincing slightly and ask, "Ayan, why are your knuckles red?" Thoughts of my bra disposed of in the dustbin.

He tries to remove his hand but I don't let go.

"Will you believe if I said I fell down and my hand saved my fall?" he says, offering me a sheepish, reassuring grin that does nothing to ease my thoughts.

I raise my eyebrow at him and wait for him to continue. He sighs, "I got into a fight."

"No shit, Sherlock," I mutter and ask suspiciously, "Why?"

"A guy bumped into me and didn't apologise." He shrugs, playing with the strap of my bra.

I roll my eyes and say, "Don't lie. You're a pretty chilled out guy. I don't think you will ever pick up fights without a cause."

"Thanks. I think you're pretty too."

"Lame." I roll my eyes but a small smile lifts the corners of my lips before I can help it. "Ayan," I grumble.

"Aguywasstaringatyourbutt," he rushes, in a single breath.

I hit his arm and whine, "Ayan."

He sighs, "A guy was staring at your butt."


"Yeah, I gave him a warning but he didn't listen and said pretty nasty things so I punched him. You should have seen his face. I broke one of his teeth." He snickers.

I smile warily. "Umm thank you."

"Don't mention it," he says, giving me a dismissive wave of his hand.

I snatch my bra from him and get up to keep it in my bag.

"Next time don't hit anyone though. There's no need for you to hurt yourself because of me, Ayan." His gesture was nice but I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me. I can't help but feel guilty that he got into a fight for me.

"Sunflower, I would have done that for anyone. And I didn't fight him because of you. I fought with him because he was disgusting and disrespectful. I will do it all over again, baby," he says, propping on his elbow as he glances at me.

I bite my lip and nod my head, agreeing to his words. For the first time, we haven't had an argument. I inwardly smile at that.

Rudy's face pops through the door. "Mary says lunch is ready."

"YOU!" I seethe at his sight.